The Worst jw Is Better Than The BEST Worldly Person

by TOTH 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • TOTH

    Did anyone else used to hear this? I can remember this growing up in the 1970s. My folks joined the wt back in 1968 under threat of Armageddon coming in 1975. I was in first grade and ran the gauntlet of no flag salute, National Anthem, holidays and NO WORLDLY FRIENDS. Of course growing up in Espanola NM and then later in Albuquerque there were no jw kids around that I could hang around with. It sort of helped that I did one school year in my first three schools. But in 4th grade I made a great friend named James.

    Well, my parents were VERY strict about NO FRIENDS coming to the house and we were NOT to go to anyone's house either. But I had my friend James and several others I could play with at school. I could play at home with my brother and sister, but everyone else would come by and ask us to play ball or ride bikes and my folks would shoo them away. I would have to try to explain to my friends why that was. James was one who understood.

    Well when 1975 came with no Armageddon, my folks cooled off and stopped going to the kh for awhile. We could have James and Manny and the others over but could STILL not go their houses. My mom said that she didn't want it said that we were "EN LAS CASAS", which translates to being IN THE HOUSES aka being mooches and pests. In Jr. High they didn't do the flag salute anymore and I made more friends. Things were looking better until the doosh elders came around all mealymouthed err uhh memorial...Blah blah blah. So we went to that satanic ritual, denied the blood and body of the Christ and got dragged into going back to every single meeting. There went all the friends again. So NOW to try to explain to kind young people WHY they were no longer welcome in our home was painful. My folks just ran them off with no explanation. THAT was left to me.

    I was upset about this and especially about losing the company of my friend James. My dad said, "The worst witness is better than the best worldly person." WOW! I actually went for that. If I knew then that witness kids were being sodomized and otherwise victimized I would have never gone for it. But eventually after three or four months of no real response on 1975 and seeing the shitty way the witnesses were. And hearing FROM THE PLATFORM not to throw out the magazines because they were the NEW SCROLLS to be used in paradise, my folks once again cooled off and quit attending. My friends could once again come over and things were ok. Until memorial time the foloowing year. This cycle went on for several years until I went to high school. By then there was no reining me in.

    As time went by I did finally get baptized in order to get the elders off my parents' back so they would get off mine. I palyed the game but kept my friend James who was raised in the Assemblies of God Church. I know my friend 41 years this coming June and am glad he understood the mayhem the wt caused me. We live far apart but keep in touch by phone and email. When my brother died in 2010 at the age of 46, I only got any kind words from James, my other childhood friends, and of course family. My father in law did know and liked my brother so he is the only one from my wife's loving uber jw family that expressed any kindness about the tragedy of losing my brother.

    I can attest that most worldly people have more love and kindness in their little finger than most jw's do in their entire being.

    How about you guys and gals? Ever hear that the Worst Witness is better that the best worldly person???

    Thanks for letting me rant...

  • MrFreeze

    Never heard that but that is pretty much the sentiment of the WT.

  • 3Mozzies
    Ever hear that the Worst Witness is better that the best worldly person???

    I heard that a lot when I was in 'da troooth' but it never really stopped me from having 'normal' (non-jw) friends.

  • gubberningbody

    I heard that, but then again I heard a lot of things over the years parroted mindlessly in the organization. I didn't believe these canards then and I certainly don't now.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I heard that line. It's a load of crap.

  • Jack C.
    Jack C.

    I can't tell you how many times I heard the phrase "Bad associations spoil usfull habits" when I was a kid. Of course they were referring to usefull habits like going out in service and spending hours of quality time at the KH.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    For instance, I've never had a worldly person screw me out of a business opportunity. I've never had a worldly person recommend I stop feeding my children in order to prevent them from vomiting before/during meetings. I've never had a worldly person spank one of my kids hard enough to leave marks.

  • laverite

    I recall hearing similar things as this. Nausiating and so completely wrong! UGHHHHH.

  • ziddina

    I never heard that, but by the time I was ten years old, I'd observed the exact opposite.....

    The "BEST" Jehovah's Witness is generally no better than the worst "worldly" person - excluding most of those in prison, that is...

  • WTWizard

    Well, I know that some witlesses are downright lowdown scum. Killing and eating a baby--and hiding the incident from the authorities so it looks like it never happened and that anyone reporting it is wacky--is pretty lowdown. Molesting children and then silencing them under disfellowshipping threat, much more common, isn't really that much better. And neither is promising me the opposite sex if I join the religion, only to do all he can to hook me up with his 8-year old nephew. To me, that scumbag is not that much better than the scumbag that killed and ate the baby--at least no one died in that incident. Good thing I could see through his scam on moving into his apartment building, or I might not even be here on this computer after that rubbish.

    Now, if these are among the worst witlesses, these would have to be better than the best worldly person. This includes Alex Jones, who is doing all he can at risk of his life to try and find out what is really going on. Or, someone like George Washington or Thomas Jefferson. Or the person that is willing to sell me silver knowing its price is soon going to the moon. Though they have faults (and some of them are because they are blinded by the Christian scam), they are far better than these witlesses above mentioned.

    Or, what about the inventors that worked hard on products? Today, we are benefiting from electricity--how many people work in lightning storms, around live power lines, just to keep your power going and to get it back when you get a blackout? People running nuclear power plants are willing to die trying to keep those things running and safe. And someone risked their lives improving cars, planes, and trains. Everyone that pioneered airplanes could have died trying. Others work 18 hour days, 7 day weeks, to work on problems so that we can use the Internet or drive with a modest 30-45 minute traffic jam instead of a 3-6 hour one.

    Anyone who thinks all these people that work so hard to improve our lives are worse than the worst witless ought to spend a few months in Nigeria or some other backward country where such people are not able to do their jobs. They might just appreciate how much work goes into making things we take for granted today--and the people that sometimes risk their health and lives to that end. Now, can the scumbag that tried to scam me into an apartment so he could hook me up with his 8-year-old nephew honestly be called better than someone that dies trying to save Japan from a nuclear meltdown?

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