4/15 WT- WTS Doesn't Care about your Happiness- Just JW's Obedience

by flipper 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Good post, Ding...

    "[Governing Body 2.0...] I believe are trying to consolidate their power & control and make a name for themselves no matter WHAT the methods are ! Insane or not. Another board member I talked to ( a close friend ) stated he thought that's one reason that none of the dying older GB members have been replaced. In times past I remember when I was an active JW if a GB member died, not a lot of grass grew before they had a replacement to make the number at 12 GB members. But this newer breed of GB 2.0 is different. I think they are even MORE paranoid than the first bunch of GB wackjobs ! ..." Flipper

    That's an excellent point, Flipper....

    I hadn't considered that at all.

    What other reasons could they have, for reducing the number of old farts on the Gov.Bod...???


  • flipper

    DING- Consider ME one of the born-ins you refer to that left the organization also. It took me over 40 years from birth but I finally said " enough is eough " with all the fear mongering and guilt induced BS they were force feeding all of us for years. It's criminal really and quite arrogant of the WT society leaders to expect JW's to put THEM first over their families, wives, children & grandparents . One of the reasons people like us all say " I'm outa here ! " regarding JW land.

    ZIDDINA- Yeah, I thought it was a really great point that my friend brought out as well . In fact, it might be a good topic for a thread all by itself ! Like something titled : What Reasons are there for the GB NOT Replacing Dead members ? " You know- something of that nature. I tend to agree with my friend - it's power & control consolidation . Pretty scary if you ask me. I think this JW cult is headed towards Jim Jones land and David Koresh land in time. Won't be able to tell the difference. The longer the years fly by without ANY Armageddon or " paradise " - you're gonna see some desperate WT leaders let me tell ya. And angrier leaders trying to plug holes on a leaking ship

  • ziddina
    "...Yeah, I thought it was a really great point that my friend brought out as well . In fact, it might be a good topic for a thread all by itself ! Like something titled : What Reasons are there for the GB NOT Replacing Dead members ? " ..." Flipper

    Sounds great!!

    But you start it, please? I've already started a silly thread titled "Trolls of JWN Unite!" in the "Adults and Heated" section... And since so many of my posts and threads are silly/fun, people don't tend to take my threads as seriously as they do yours...

  • flipper

    ZIDDINA- Been working for a couple days straight, sorry for the delayed response. I'll think about starting a thread on the GB , but I'm leaning towards starting one on mind control tactics out of the Janja Lalich book my wife and I are reading. Seems lots of newbies are curious about coercion tactics of the WT society right now

  • ziddina


    Well, I guess I might start that thread myself, in a few days...

    I'm looking forward to reading your next thread, though!!!

    Hey, how's your vertigo??

    I get that occasionally - have a tendency towards getting ear infections, and that usually does it...

  • flipper

    ZIDDINA- Yeah, I think you SHOULD start that thread ! You'd make a good one on the GB ! I'm sorry you've had bouts with vertigo as well. After 9 days after the initial attack, it seems like I'm just about 100% dizzy free. Or at least 95 % now. I'm up at 4:00 A.M. because our 15 yr.old dog has kept me awake going inside and outside a couple times barking at the moon or animals - or both ! Crazy dog. She's doing better now usually just eating rice. It seems to be easier on her digestive system . Good for her AND us

  • ziddina

    Hey, I'm happy to hear that your dog is doing better!!!

    Two crazy suggestions...

    Cook brown rice - or better yet, if you can get some of the REALLY healthy rice varieties like "forbidden" rice - pitch black and FULL of nutrients; "red" rice - just like it says, only more of a maroon or brick red, and the REAL "brown" rice, which is actually BROWN and not beige...

    Perhaps use canned chicken stock - no MSG and low sodium - to cook up the rice?? Also maybe cook some chicken bits in with the rice, to give her a bit of protein???

    Just a thought...

  • isaacaustin

    Mr FLipper, this makes me think of an illustration they gave at the assembly two weeks ago. (I did not go, my wife did, and my sister met her there for lunch, and happened to hear 15 minutes of BS from 12-12:15) The speaker first blasted higher education. then he warned not to miss meetings for work. Then he gave the following 'illustration":

    Yes, it is important to support one's family. it can be compared to crossing a busy street. Sure, you need to be careful...but if you see a car way down the road you can go. You don't need to be so overly careful that you never cross the street. You don't need to be so concerned about supporting your family, or far-sighted in saving for the future that you let it get in the way of your spiritual activites..."

    SOund familiar?

  • ziddina

    Isaac Caustin, thanks for posting that.

    And my reaction to such short-sighted idiocy is face/palm slap ...

  • flipper

    ZIDDINA- Thanks . Yeah, we're glad our dogs bowels aren't as loose now as well. For 15 yrs.old the rice and combination of a small amount of moist chicken /dog food is helping. Thanks for the suggestions on the other rices. We've been making sure she gets her protein as well.

    ISAAC AUSTIN- It's easy for the jerk-offs at Bethel to compare and trivialize earning a living for your family as to just crossing the street and looking for cars in the distance - because these freaks don't HAVE to provide for themselves at bethel ! They have everything handed to them on a silver platter ! If they had to W-O-R-K for a living like a normal human - they wouldn't be so quick to diss those of us husbands and wives who HAVE to work for a living. This %ucking organization pisses me off so much I'd love to kick some serious WT a$$ . They know NOTHING about the real world. Or else they know, but don't care to listen

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