All you men here, who does the house cleaning?

by James Mixon 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannaexit
    I do all the cooking and indoor cleaning. I am slightly neurotic about cleanliness so i prefer to do it myself. He does all the home repairs. In the summer we both do the outside work. It works for us.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    It seems you folks are doing well without the threefold cord in

    Ecclesiastes 4:12, wife, husband and the GB.

  • Hairtrigger
    I do the bathrooms .garden and vaccuming. When we expect guests, the whole house gets a going over. I do the dusting and cleaning then. She does the rest.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    I refuse dusting. I will do floors, windows and cooking. I tell her don't push it.
  • 20years_to_get_free

    We both work full time. I do most of the inside work, outside stuff is his domain. He brings me coffee in bed every morning, and fills my car with fuel every week. He is a rare gem. We share child rearing and cooking and caring for our chickens. We share checking accounts and all financial decisions.

    After watching the oppression my mother was under as a JW wife, I know I could never have it any other way.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    20years_to_get_free.: good for you. It's sad but a lot of that take place in

    JW land, "the oppression of your mom as a JW".

  • zeb
    I do all home maintenance, wash the dishes, clean toilets and she has not made me a cup of coffee in years.
  • blondie

    But I can picture Jesus washing the feet of the apostles (a servant's task) or cooking fish for them by the seaside (as the bible says) Or telling 2 women that listening to his words was more important than fixing an elaborate meal, a simple meal was sufficient.

    (John 21:9-13) 9 However, when they disembarked onto land they beheld lying there a charcoal fire and fish lying upon it and bread. 10 Jesus said to them: “Bring some of the fish YOU just now caught.” 11 Simon Peter, therefore, went on board and drew the net to land full of big fishes, one hundred and fifty-three of them. But although there were so many the net did not burst. 12 Jesus said to them: “Come, take YOUR breakfast.” Not one of the disciples had the courage to inquire of him: “Who are you?” because they knew it was the Lord. 13 Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and the fish likewise.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    zed: sound like my ex-JW wife. It was more important to knock

    on doors.

    Blondie; Yes you can see the the gradual change from the OT to

    the NT. (OT) fix my meal women are you will be beaten, (NT) tell your

    husband to fix his own elaborate meal.

    Wait a second, that's what my ex did ( a lot of simple meals)..

  • kaik

    We do everything equally. I do not like doing laundry and I was never good in folding them. Plus I had share of destroying them by washing them improperly. My mom and granny used to do phenomenal job on it. However, I do all the outside job on the backyard, planting, mulching, painting, laying pavements, washing windows, polishing floors. I generally do not like three dirty things.. kitchen, floor, and tables. I don't have any garbage around the house inside or outside. Items are either utilized or destroyed/thrown away. My attic is empty as well.

    When it comes to cooking, I am good cook, but I must be in mood. My grandmother used to be a cook for baroness, and she taught me a lot as I used to live with her on and off bases when my parents split up and my dad moved to her back. When I was kid, my father did all the cooking, and my mom did the baking. However, with crazy schedules and unpredictable work hours, it is sometimes easier to just go out.

    The best way to keep house clean is dedicate one day to do thorough cleaning from morning to evening and maintain it clean.

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