Why Are These Islamists So Touchy?

by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Please dont confuse the dumbed down sanitised version of Islam we see in the west with what it really is for the vast majority of them in the middle east. Even they (the fundies) hate and would kill all the muslims here in the west given half a chance because of their percieved weakened view of Islam.

  • SixofNine

    That is an overreaction.

    America should bomb the shit out of them!
  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Tammy, does every post require a disclaimer? That's a load of crap. Of those 15 years and older in Afghanistan only 28% can read so its not the contents of the Quran that is breeding this hatred. Ignorance breeds credulity. Hence the Muslims in Afghanistan are ignorant and easily led by superstition and the usual bad juju. This is an ignorance issue and not simply a religious one. Why do you think they keep the women uneducated? They'd tell the men to go screw each other! Wait, they already do!

  • minimus

    I respectfully disagree with any Al Queda types.

    I respectfully disagree with Iran who actively seeks to destroy Israel and tells their followers to kill Jews.

    If I am threatened by a bully who says he will kill me, I will not wait to see if he's just bluffing.

  • Berengaria

    It's pointless Six

  • tec

    Of those 15 years and older in Afghanistan only 28% can read so its not the contents of the Quran that is breeding this hatred

    When did I say it was all based on the Quran?

    Someone usually pops in and lets everyone know what a horrible hate mongering holy book that is, so it was kind of a preemptive defense on that point. So I suppose I should have put a disclaimer in... 'those who read the Quran and base their e x tremist activities on that'...



  • designs

    When you have specific verses in the Quran that say to kill Jewish people it is a little disturbing.


    Because..God is Great Infidels!..



    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    I can't imagine anyone defending the Islamists we see on tv that shout "Death to America" and "Kill the Jews".

    I can't imagine anyone defending the Islamists we see on tv that shout "Death to America" and "Kill the Juice"......Minimus

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

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