Creepy Hand In the Revelation Book

by Zordino 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • harleybear

    Whoa!!! Did not notice that before. Course I never cared for that book anyways so not surprised I missed that one. How much do you want to bet the Chief Bro's at the BiG B missed it to??????

  • Zordino

    The book went through "updated revisions" and the hand was still there. Can they be that Stupid???? Very weird.

  • Glander

    I think that is the hand of the poor m------f----er who tried to keep the Ark of the Covenant from falling off the wagon...

  • DonutZ!

    It kinda looks like a dragon hand...

  • paladin

    I remember that evil hand. It just looked weird. After studing that book three times some sister said she liked it so much and wanted to study it again. I felt sick after hearing that.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's not the only weird hand there. The white haired creep is sporting a crab claw for a right hand.

  • steve2

    Forget the creepy hand. That's forgivably easily overlooked. What about the stupid looking bearded angels? A far better question: How could I have ever believed this total crap? Oh yes, that's right, my JW parents, themselves raised in the religion, raised me in it. Otherwise I could not honestly ever have seen me, say, not raised in the religion, believing this shit. The creepy hand looks very much at home in this ridiculously dreary and unintentionally laugh-out-loud book.

  • designs

    'The Beast With Five Fingers' starring Peter Lorre, 1946

  • Joliette

    That hand is weird. Vera454 on youtube is the first person that did a video on that. The watchtower's artwork has a lot of hidden messages.

  • DonutZ!

    BlackSheep- That does look like a crab claw lol! Not to digress but...Its not fair that angels get to have beards! Even Jesus has one! Where in the world does the GB get these dumb rules of no beards!

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