Something interesting

by d 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • d

    I was looking into two bibles by the Jw's. One was written in 1909 which was called the The Holy bible American standard Version. The Other obviously the New world translation. I looked up Matthew 27: verse 32 in the American version it says Cross in the NWT it says torture stake. I find that weird since they do not believe that Jesus died on a cross. So what changed about that belief, since it is in their own bible from 1909.

  • Ding

    How does John 1:1 compare?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    They had the cross and crown emblem on the publications for ages, not sure to when but guessing at the 1930s. The fuss over the stauros came later.

  • d

    I find it interesting how no witness wil look into this.

  • Rob Crompton
    Rob Crompton

    The American Standard Version was not a Watch Tower version. It was the work of an American team of translators working very much in cooperation with the British translators of the Revised Version. It was the favoured versoin of the JWs because, unlike just about any other version, it rendered the tetragrammaton 'Jehovah'' throughout the Old Testament. It fell out of favour when the WT produced their own New World Translation.

  • Poztate

    I believe that they USED the American Standard Bible.

    They didn't write or translate that edition.

    The NWT was at first put out in a number of incomplete versions until at last it was published in full (1961) ??

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    d, the cross/stake issue has been discussed here many times. do a search

  • d

    That is strange because the copyright said Watchtower and tract society but you are right the New World translation was published around the late 50's. But I noticed the word change from Cross to Stake. I am suprised nobody at the time said anything.

  • stillstuckcruz
  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I think the WTS bought the rights to the ASV as they also did with the Byington translation.

    The NWT Greek scriptures was released in 1950 as I recall, followed by the Heptatuch(?) Genesis - Ruth a few years later. There followed four more releases to complete the Hebrew scriptures and then it was realeased as the GREEN Bible in one volume in 1961 with a major revision in 1971.


    PS After the 1961 release I remember it was a feature of the KM to include corrections. You had to cut these out and paste them over the original text.

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