Exciting experience about Amish couple joining JW’s - and the shunning begins!

by Bonnie_Clyde 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    Hi Bonnie_Clyde, I agree with your idea, although I would be more pointed in my comment, like "How horrible that a religion forces its members to shun family or friends because they disagree with the religious leaders!!"

    I agree. Say something to make them think.

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    I call BS on this story. it sounds too good to be true.

    My email said it was from Rio, Wisconsin.

  • myusername

    What I don't like about the Amish community is they're the largest operators of puppy mills. You can google puppy mills online and find out how horrifying it is. If you google amish and puppy mills you should be able to find the connection. It's a dark secret in the amish community.

  • 00DAD

    How ironic, they are being shunned by the Amish, but everyone involved needs to feel good about it and can't say a single negative thing because THEY DO THE EXACT SAME THING!

  • exwhyzee

    I might mention something in the return email about how the JW's are encouraging this young couple to become Apostates from the Amish religion and in their opinion believe that since the Amish, are part of Babylon the Great and don't have Gods backing, have no scriptural grounds for shunning people for leaving. Yet they would be horrified if an Amish minister came around to their homes and tried to persuade their family members to become Amish or if one of thier members was sneaking off to Amish country to study the Amish religion.

    What ever happened to "do unto others as you would have done unto yourselves? " Talk about a double standard.

  • Azazel

    hey hoser before you call BS look up the WT Library , its happened before. In the states and in Amish communities in Argentina.

    This is the time i feel sad for people who are drawn into this religion of a book publishing company.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I am sorry that your daughter shuns you, i hope you can find a way to help her see her own hypocrisy.

    how long before this experiance ends up in an awake!?


  • Listener

    An interesting story and their new life as JWs has been marred by their deceipt which is being supported by the JWs. Reading between the lines, there are washing machines (one would think manual) that need to be delivered to their fellow friends who would not accept them if he was shunned and there is possible some spoken/unspoken legal agreement regarding this. So they deliberately hiding this information from them.

    All for what reason? Money. If they had been the latest, you beaut models there may have been a few JW families prepared to take them of his hands.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    What are the Amish doing with washing machines? I assume they are the standard laundry appliance in most industrliazed countries. The power is electicity. Does not sound plain to me? If they were delivering washboards for hand laundry that would make sense.

    This story sounds hokey. The Amish have very strong social and familial ties. They must know their Bible far, far more than a Witness. Maybe this is creative writing.

    Imagine losing your farm, your family, life long friends, your very existence only to burnt by the new religion. Amish shunning is wrong but JW shunning is Christian. Note, too, that Amish teenagers are purposefully given a taste of the outside world and parties, cigarettes,etc. before permanently joining the Amish so they can see what they are mssing. The Witnesses offer no free period in the world.

  • NewChapter

    Don't assume the Amish wouldn't have washing machines. Each community has their own set of rules, and sometimes limited electricity is allowed for very specific tasks. For instance, if these people are in any business that serves the public, there may be health codes they must follow. They will adjust to this. Dairy farmers must have certain levels of santitation, particularly in their bathrooms, Amish or not.

    Also, many Amish are NOT familiar with their bibles. They read them in an archaic German that they don't speak everyday. Also it's not highly encouraged. They are about tradition, and are not overly religious. Even their prayers can be very structured--rather than personal.

    This story was very believable. I don't know if it's true, but the details are not outrageous.


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