Reportedly 200 disfellowshipped and 200 publicly reproved !

by koolaid-man 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    listen to the conference call before making a premature evaluation.....Rick Fearon

    Sorry, it will take more than Urban Legend to get me that excited.

  • red21
    red21 many haters. Why? Lamallcool...if you are on this forum then you bought into BS for many many years and that is why you are here? So, leave Rick alone and let him do this thing. I find the show entertaining....DON'T LISTEN DUDE? No one makes you. Why do you even care so much? Do you think this forum is the be-all end-all for ex-JWs? I just don't get the constant attack? You seem to have a mission? We should only listen to you I guess because you are doing so much for ex-JWs? What, do you run a clinic somewhere? Get off your high horse and relax.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    ok so which person inside Rick is now speaking?

  • RayPublisher

    If it's the Jaqueline that I know, then I can say that she is a credible sister and very intelligent and experienced.

    I'm not a fan or apologist of Rick's but maybe Red21 has a point. Why pounce on each other so fast when we are all united in trying to expose the WT for what it is? Isn't the enemy of my enemy my friend?

    Just saying...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well that was certainly a mouthful

  • Azazel

    Well RayPublisher the enemy of my enemy happens to be a pathelogical liar and i feel sorry for him but he is the guy who gives the WTS ammo to label us all as mentally diseased and i object to that label.

    But hell this is the freedom of the internet and he is free to do as he pleases. I will make it my aim to just ignore any threads posted by koolaid-man or his new user red21. Yes i believe its him. Its not hard i have two user profiles here i just dont use the older one.

    Goodbye and hope you get some help for your mental disease issues rick.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    So "Jacqueline" was the one who squeeled.

    Yep, I'd change my name too if I was her, lol.

  • cedars

    As I see it, the problem here is simple. Most posters on this forum, if they were caught lying or peddling otherwise misleading information, would go to great lengths to explain any misunderstandings, or otherwise correct any false statements. Rick has been offered that opportunity before by those, like myself, who want to make it as painless as possible for him reinvent himself. He obviously has an enormous amount of enthusiasm for his work, and if this could be bridled by a more honest and journalistic approach, he would truly be an asset to our community (as I'm sure he has been in the past).

    Unfortunately, whenever Rick is confronted by evidence of his mistakes, rather than apologizing and moving on, he simply posts another outrageous thread and pretends that the previous criticism was never even made. Worse still, he accuses those who criticize him of being Watchtower operatives or apologists. It's very much a "bury your head in the sand" approach that does him no favours at all. In many ways, he seems to be his own worst enemy.

    Like RayPublisher, I also think this forum can be overly negative at times. We are, after all, supposedly all on the same side. That said, just because we can all say whatever the hell we like, doesn't mean we shouldn't try to be honest and thorough especially when it comes to conveying detailed accusations that would be scrutinized by lurkers and those who are on the fence. If, like Rick, we ignore that unspoken rule, we fit very snuggly into the 'apostate stereotype' that the Society has created for us, and we also lose the interest of sincere lurkers who want to know the real truth but are put off by the hype and sensationalism. Even worse, by taking liberties with the truth, and demonizing anyone who opposes us, we stray into the area of becoming just as reprehensible as the very organization we revile.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Well said, Cedars!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    didn't someone post that his site was down?

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