Welfare Elders

by hoser 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Is it wrong for elders to live off their wife, while they are performing the "Lord's Work'?

  • Glander

    Is it wrong for ELDERS to live off their WIFE, while they are performing the "Lord's Work'?

    If you just change the words around it helps to answer the question.

    CO and DO and GB wives, wether living in luxurious Brooklyn penthouses with Manhatten views, free meals and housekeeping or a travel trailer parked behind a Kingdom Hall in North Dakota, it all evens out. As far as Gov't. assistance that's a whole different thing.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Jesus said to pay Caesar's things to Caesar. No, it is impossible to have a nice lifestyle on the funds available. Why should other people work to subsiize JW preaching? No reason. I wish we had a greater safety net for people who truly need it. You are lying when you tell a govt official that you cannot work but you can pioneer. What about concepts such as Christian integrity?

    This manipulation of the system is actually encouraged. I suppose it is theocratic warfare. It is incomprehensible to me that someone cannot work but can pioneer.

    Are they getting the public housing project crowd to begin with? When I was working class poor, my circumstances did not trouble me. Now after living in an upper middle class style, I don't think I could survive goiing down. It isn't only material things. Perhaps even bigger is feeling that I shape my life to a large extent rather than being shaped.

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