A Judicial Committe Letter

by Bangalore 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Roddy

    They no longer keeping minutes of the meetings? I'm not surprised.

    I guess it all comes down to a hand-shake on who stays and who gets kicked out.

  • ziddina

    Gooooooooooooood grief...

    Sure reinforces Ray Franz' information in "Crisis of Conscience"....

    Sounds just like some of the "Governing Body" meetings he described!!!

  • wallsofjericho

    The holy spirit will be grieved upon the congregation if we are not wholehearted in our thinking with Christ’s direction through the faithful and discreet slave

    such a lame attempt at a scare tactic. They are effectively saying that if everyone in the KH does not completely accept the F&DS teachings the holy spirit will abandon the enitre congregation.

    Then they try to say that activity in the hall proves that it has

    what a crock of shit

  • wha happened?
  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    What the $&^#! <----- this is what I thought...

  • dog is god
    dog is god

    Yipes! Scary! Like having your apendix removed by the Garbage man.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I like this CO's reasoning on the "grieving" issue:

    Based on his conclusions, there must be a lot of grieving the HS going on everywhere since activity in most congregations indicate that to be the case.

    Did I get that right?

    Don't want to misquote or "challenge" a CO.


  • WontLeave

    Oh, I do love the "grieving the Holy Spirit" thing. They ignore the option that the leaders might be costing the congregation God's spirit. No, it must be a single individual, because God is that petty and arbitrary. Once, when I took egregious acts of elders to the C/O, he couldn't explain their actions. Rather than admit their ridiculous sanctions against me were completely without basis, he actually said the Holy Spirit might be directing them to punish me for sins they didn't even know about. Since nobody could explain (without giving away the real reasons), they invoked mysterious, unknown reasons that only the Almighty was aware of. I laughed at him. This was actually a major thread in the tapestry of events which made me realize just how much of a nutty cult the JWs are.

  • truthseeker1969

    My question would be this,,,if questioning the GB can grieve the Holy Spirit in a congregation, why does the "double life' people live not grieve it?

    Would the fact that "evidently" is used for the "generation" change not grieve the spirit since there is not one single scripture to back it up.

    Would the fact that there are hundreds who have sinned (serious) and not confessed not grieve the spirirt. Would the spirit not operate more if a person openly expressed disagreements and resolved them?

    Did at any time Jesus ever prevent anyone from asking him questions? Even when asked when the end would be he told the truth, didn' t try and fudge an answer to prove he had the spirit with him, he told the truth.

    It is simply a "you could know more than us" mentality that retards the GB and scares them. If they had never mad an error in anything they said then i could understand them being upset with being questioned. To me this is just another control!

  • Bangalore

    The word "Kangaroo Court" comes to mind.


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