Awakening of the young through education

by JWB 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWB


    A recent special report (January 2012) by Peter Henderson and Kristina Cooke, of the news agency Reuters, focused attention on a problem facing the Mormons with regard to falling membership. Mormon Elder Marlin Jensen said that he and other leaders of the religion knew that members are "leaving in droves". He even admitted that his own daughter had been one of those who were asking forthright questions such as why she had not been told that Joseph Smith was a polygamist. It was also admitted that "the manuals used to teach the young church doctrine" are "severely outdated".

    It seems that the Watch Tower Society's religion is not the only one having to face the fact that younger ones are questioning their parents' religion on account of having greater access to alternative information sources.

    The full article can be found here:

  • finallysomepride

    thanks JWB

    thank goodness we have the internet opened so many eyes.

    Clickible link:

  • cofty

    Education is the silver bullet that will threaten al sorts of oppression.

    I think there are hardly any young people in my old congregation. Its good to hear the mormons are losing their young people as well.

    "Maybe since Kirtland, we've never had a period of - I'll call it apostasy, like we're having now," he told the group in Logan.

    Then he outlined how the church was using the technologies that had loosened its grip on the flock to reverse this trend.

    "The church has a very progressive research and information division, with tremendous public opinion surveyors," he said. Among other steps, it has hired an expert in search-engine optimization to raise the profile of the church's own views in a web search.

  • Fernando

    Welcome JWB!

    Yup, same story as WBT$.

    Just loved a comment I read an hour ago (on JWN) that Russell did not know that Jesus started ruling in 1914 although Russell died in 1916!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    This was a really interesting article. And encouraging too!

    If sociologists estimate actual mormon membership robe 5M, I wonder what their estimate for JWs is?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Clergy never opened my eyes to the Witnesses. One of the most powerful forces in my life was my public school teachers. When I told them I wanted to attend secretarial school (my goal was to work for the Beatles Apple Corps in London. Beatles & JWs-tough combo, they told me I needed to go to college. They had no agenda, save my best interest. They must have felt as though they were walking on eggshells. The school district mandated a full year of evolution. Much to my embrassment, I took society lit and wrote an opus about creationism is proven. My friends saw me pouring over many books. Despite their backing, I did receive anything remotely near an A.

    Education exposed me to worldly people. It was obvious that the WT lied about their character. School allowed me to celebrate holidays at school as long as I did not tell anyone. You don't need higher education. My classmates in elementary school who brought birth cake for the class on their b'days were clearly not wild pagans. The student body was about 98% Catholic. It was clear to me that Witnesses had no legitimacy. Home schooling is very dangerous.

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