Is there really an anointed class?

by free thought 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • free thought
    free thought

    I am of the anointed but care not for the title as I believe that those having put on a Christ-like personality can also be “ Born again” .I encourage those JW’s not to be swayed by peer pressure and heed Gods calling. The year book will very soon not mention the growth of the anointed since the generation change.

    Things JW’s have to consider>

    1* When the scriptures refer to " I have other sheep not of this foal" It may mean Gentiles as well as Jews of which the new covering of circumcision applied .

    2* The term “little flock” is similar to the term “ Little book” a phrase of commonality used in Greek translations .

    Rutherford acting as veto, to the majority FDS as in singular and not plural invented the two class system ,( read his book “ Doors close in 1936 ”) which I no doubt will be yet another of WTS do not re-print list .

    Rutherford had an Irion handed approach and was not liked among his very own peers I believe God used him only for his legal expertise ( espionage act 1918 vs. USA constitution ) but that’s about it. The rest was from his own manipulating .But the same could also be said regarding the great Bible commissioned by King Henry VIII. It seems that God uses channels not necessarily approved by our standards as in Godly devotion. Sorry my brother JW’s , but this is the truth which you need to come to grips with. But you don’t have to leave the WTS. Just study the Proclaimers “tell all”! book and move on knowing not to put your full trust in Nobles but in God . Indoctrination ( 1914- 1444.000 ) can be divisive and can be used by Satan to divert our attention away from the true meaning as being a JW , which is to serve and promote the one true God , the one formula baptism, no hell fire, and the preaching if the good news .Just as Arian taught from the early beginning of Christianity.

    Although the WTS systematical reminds us today that FDS are just ordinary people who make mistakes, it can be read otherwise to the less discerning.

    Rutherford’s mind-set is still very active by die-hard elders who ,only if challenged make admission that the anointed are not a privileged ( Gods favorite ) class above sheep -like .

    Elders mind-set is likened to elasticized self memory wire , that can be shaped and re-shaped, but eventually it goes back to its original position. My reservations as to the anointed are from this simple thought: :

    Why should God arrange a class of special people who will never die, never again sin, hence no free will. Were will be the sacrifice and obedience-the very core to worship?

    Yes Angels can fall from grace, Satan a fine example!- why then not the anointed.? WTS argue that because they have proven themselves on earth , they will never again sin. This places a superior class as Pope like. Elevating such high standards discourages those JW’s who feel they have a heavenly calling Furthermore, the very idea that angels can never sin -no free will- total obedience is the very core to Muslim and christadelphian teaching. Like angels, Gods ruling class can indeed fall from grace.

    Yes my brothers I am a reformist who believes the WTS is still holding on to many teachings that are nor scripturally sound .I was aware many years before the generation change that Rutherford’s teaching was not sound and I was cautioned for believing so.

    I still believe that God has endorsed WTS as a flag bearer to is name and that they are the closes to the truth of Arianism.

  • Fernando

    Hey free thought!

    I agree with your reservations and much of your comments.

    Whilst pursuing the full unabridged "good news" especially according to Paul, I was granted faith as an unmerited free gift and experienced a gradual Spiritual Awakening (was born again - spiritually this time, anointed by Holy Spirit as an adopted son of God, but not as one of the supposed FDS class or ruling religious clergy class).

    The term "the anointed" does not appear even once in the New Covenant scriptures, even in the corrupted NWT, where the Greek "ho Kristos" (the anointed) has ALWAYS been correctly translated as "the Christ".

    This means any claiming to be "THE ANOINTED" are actually false Christs and pseudo mediators standing between God and man! Generally though, I assume very few partakers see themselves as the sole enlightened ones through whom a supposed laity class must feed. This apostate Pharisaic notion is more common amongst those in the ruling religious hierarchy (MS and elders up to GB/Sanhedrin).

  • Fernando

    Some items of potential benefit and interest on your journey:

    1. Explain from the heart what is "legalism" and its opposite. "Legalism" is only mentioned once in the entire Watchtower library on CD (in a great and profound article).
    2. Now explain moralism, ethnocentrism, and Gnosticism.

    All are gravely serious apostate denials of so called Christian faith (actually Abrahamic faith). Also compare Matt 23 (religion, especially self-righteousness and externalism) with Rom 3 and 4 (the "good news" especially about IMPUTED righteousness).

  • Terry

    Humans are certainly prone to suggestion. Especially true when it makes them special.

    Throughout nature the better adapted dominate the food chain. If you are smarter, faster and stronger your chances of being "top dog" gives you an advantage.

    But, that's not good enough, it seems!

    Now we have an elite that can't spell, write a coherent sentence, reason their way out of a paper bag or create a product or service that actually does anybody any good- magically self-identifying as "anointed"!!

    Imagine that! (Oh, you did already!)

    They are really looking us in the eye with a straight face and saying solemnly: "I am a King and Prince especially chosen by Almighty God. I shall Judge you!"

    And what do we--the crumbs-from-their-table semi-nobody's do when they make such self-righteous pontifications??

    We practically bow down and gobble the paltry scraps like slavering beasts!

    Anybody willing to allow such a foot to bear down upon their neck DESERVE to be buffaloed, duped, double-shuffled and dominated by their endless nonsense!

    In answer to the Topic Question: Is there really an "anointed" class?

    NO, you silly person! Snap out of it! Get a life!

    Find something sane to occupy your thoughts. Read a book written by people who know something because they've actually spent time in school studying it instead magically "channeling" it from the cosmic beyond.

    No, YOU are no more special than some starving child in a Third World country who might better benefit from you sending them a biscuit.

    Stop polishing your crown and scepter already. Enough is enough.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney


  • lilbluekitty

    I'll just put in my two cents here, it's totally my own opinion and may not even be entirely correct: the 144,000 to me are actual Jews and therefore unless a person came from a Jewish line they cannot be "anointed." The NIV and ESV Bible translations use the terms "holy ones" or "saints" and I assume they refer to that number. Basically, they get to go to heaven first, in my opinion, because they are the "firstfruits." Other than that I do not agree with what the WT says about them, for instance I can find nowhere in the Bible saying that regular people can't partake of any sort of Lord's Supper or communion, nowhere saying only people of that number can partake and so I do partake because I want to remember what Jesus did for me. That's all it really is to me. The JWs try to turn it into this big thing. Anyway, I think the number and people were already chosen probably in the 1st century because many early Christians were Jews by birth then. Anyway, just my own personal opinion and ramblings.

  • Jack C.
    Jack C.

    In most of the other christian sects the annointed are referred to as the elect. Unlike JW's the elect don't have a separate reward. Their purpose is to serve as a mouthpiece for God and to represent Him while rebuking the antichrist when he arrives. They are not to speak their own words but the words of God which will be directly channeled through them.

  • leavingwt

    "I still believe that God has endorsed WTS as a flag bearer to is name and that they are the closes to the truth of Arianism."

    Have you read Don Cameron's book?

    Do you expect Armageddon to arrive during your lifetime?

  • Terry

    Thanks to the "flag-bearers" god's "name" is associated with an End-of-the-world cult that makes false prophecies.

    Quite a job they've done!

    More shame and mockery has been heaped upon the divine name because of the silly writings over the decades

    than any good could overcome.

  • free thought
    free thought

    Flag bearer

    I am an engineer and as such have to sort out many problems. I once came across a very odd problem that had been accruing and recurring for years. .When this happens all the data is collated and a complete new design system is employed

    If one were to view WTS slimily as to there insistent problems one needs to trace the actual central fault mechanism. The WTS has for many years been plagued by a one man president veto, which was used to over-rule the majority including three thirds

    Since 1980 Freddy Franz was the last to veto. Therefore in my mind the fault has been rectified and now the GB is acting according to what God had purposed. Yes it has taken a long time , but remember God has always given man a free choice .If by free choice man chooses to use grey areas of doctrine to control the masses , then so be it. God does warn us of not being to reliant on Nobles.

    If Christians concentrate on being more self confident then they would be less reliant on Nobles. There needs to be a balanced view. The WTS FDS are our fine facilitators who encourage us to read our Bibles by outlining stories and principals contained in scripture. The Holy Spirit then takes over from that point HS not MAN is our instructor and teacher.” That little voice inside ones head whispering> “How can I apply this and that to my Christian living ”!

    Its sad that many find security in obeying rules but can not think a nice thought. Its sad that some can conger up a great discord but cant conjure up a smile. JW is just a name that we can be identified by, but the real test as to ones faith is by there fruitages.

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