George W. Bush: 9.30AM Sept 11 2001

by 2SYN 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Seeker

    hehe, this is fun...

    thats fine, you can stand by it, but the fact is, he didnt. he spoke what he meant, and until someone decided to spin it, no one even noticed.
    There is no spin if I point out that the phrase, "I saw an airplane hit the tower" means, in grammatical terms, using standard english rules, that he saw---

    hmmm...wait just a sec....I just realized something. Let's see, if I come across an auto accident aftermath, and I observe a car wrapped around a telephone poll, I could conceivably say, "I see a car hit that pole." And later on I could remark to a friend, "I saw a car hit the pole," as in I noticed that a car had hit the pole.

    It's horrible structure, but it just may be a regional variation within this country. To me, it's completely wrong. Yet I can believe it may be regionally common in some places, and that would explain why some of us read that stament and took it one way, and others of us couldn't see this explanation until it was pointed out.

    If someone is used to saying (incorrectly according to proper english usage) "I could care less," I'll call it wrong, for it is wrong. Yet it is regionally common in some places, and may seem correct to those who use it that way. In fact, if it catches on long enough and extensively enough, it becomes correct. That's english for ya!

    What a strange trip this thread has been...

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    read the article....MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. This reads like someone is TRYING to make something out of this. I watched that townhall mtg.. and understood what he was saying. Of course he didn't see the first plane (not enough time to get it on the air), but you can bet he heard about it through his staff. The townhall mtg. was a month later, and his remarks were off the cuff...and I'm sure like all of us he saw those replayed images over and over...when he spoke, he of course didn't have time to see it, but just used that inadvertantly in his remarks. When the second plane hit, and he was advised while sitting in the school room, you can't mistaken the total shock in his face....his mind racing when he was told "the U.S. is under attack". I applaude him, as well as commentators who said he calmly cut the mtg. short as not to frighten the children. The commentators were also saying his aides were standing at the back of the room making all kinds of gestures to get him out, but again, he handled it brillantly for the kids sake. Why must everything be a conspiracy?

  • dubla


    There is no spin...
    there is a spin, which is why this showed up on a conspiracy theory type website instead of talked about in the mainstream media. you know as well as i do, that when a president mixes up his words, the reporters are the first to blast it all over the airwaves. he mixed nothing up, so nothing was "blasted" all over, and no one thought twice about it until it was "spun".......

    What Bush obviously saw was a newsflash moments after the first plane hit, something many people saw and few considered to be a terrorist attack. He never said he saw it live. No conspiracy, not even a gaffe.
    Dubla, Derek, and Expat have expressed my thought, that the Resident saw that a plane had hit the first tower, as indeed some early news reports indicated.
    This reads like someone is TRYING to make something out of this. I watched that townhall mtg.. and understood what he was saying. Of course he didn't see the first plane (not enough time to get it on the air), but you can bet he heard about it through his staff. The townhall mtg. was a month later, and his remarks were off the cuff...and I'm sure like all of us he saw those replayed images over and over...when he spoke, he of course didn't have time to see it, but just used that inadvertantly in his remarks.
    of course someone is TRYING to make something out of it.....with the president of the united states, someone ALWAYS does. your car accident scenario was nice, but added little to the discussion. the fact is, youre trying to reach for something that just isnt there.


  • Seeker
    There is a spin,

    Whoa! Quote me in context, please. I said there was no spin to my pointing out the meaning of a word used in a grammatical phrase in the context of trying to decipher its meaning. By the time we got to that point in the discussion, we had thrown politics out the window, and were just trying to figure out meaning. I was just genuinely trying to figure out some english usage by that point, which is why where was no spin involved.

  • Seeker
    your car accident scenario was nice, but added little to the discussion. the fact is, youre trying to reach for something that just isnt there.

    Lay off, dude. Didn't you read what I wrote? I said I could see your point-of-view on the topic by the use of my car accident scenario. Instead of just posting my conclusion as I often do, I posted the thoughts that were going through my head as they went through them, so I kept everything, even the stuff I was correcting on the fly.

    I admit, his usage, though technically wrong, is probably a regionally-correct pattern, and thus I admit there was nothing odd about what he said.

    For the second time.


  • Simon

    Um ... you do know that David Ike is officially 'a nut' don't you? I believe he thought he was Jesus for a while ...

    Still want to believe him?

    I think this is more a case of human confusion than attempt to conceal / cover up. If it was a cover up, it would easily be more thought-out and timed. In fact, for me, the fact that there are mistakes makes it more believable as a personal account of the events as remembered.

  • Bodhisattva

    Seeker, just a clarification: I don't think anyone else is saying that GWB's exact words were correct regionally or otherwise, just that they were an understandable flub. The transcript should and does reflect what was actually said, not how it would appear were it edited for clarity. He should have more [interjections] than the New World Translation does.

    The god of the dolphins has flippers.

    Edited to remove repetitive, and unneeded, criticism of Icke article.

  • teejay

    Wendy already mentioned my very first on this whole scenario...

    Just figure out what was on TV when he walked into the room.

    I also wondered, from the conspiratorial perspective, what TV he could have been watching that showed the first plane hitting. There wasn't one. He HAD to have meant that he saw the second plane unless his crew had set up a special closed-circuit monitor of the event ahead of time. Not bloody likely.

    I think Ike is grasping at straws. The solution is simple: Bush isn't the brightest bulb in the box. He just used lousy grammar. Again.

  • digderidoo

    David Icke also believes that all the world rulers are alien reptiles disguised to look like humans.
    Need i say more?


    I'm not singing for the future
    I'm not dreaming of the past
    I'm not talking of the first time
    I never think about the last

    ...Shane Patrick Lysaght MacGowen

  • 2SYN

    Hey guys, chill out! I don't believe that ole' Icke is right or anything, I just felt that the fellow conspiracy theorist lovers on this site might enjoy the link, is ALL!

    My view of this whole mess?

    It was orchestrated. I'm sure I've posted somewhere else in detail (to YK I think) about the various things about the US Government which don't make sense, like the fact that the supposed pilots couldn't fly at all according to their flight school instructors, the new laws that are suddenly being passed which restrict your freedom in America, and so forth. It all smells very bad to me! Right now all I can say is, I feel sorry for you guys up there in the North, it must be tough when stuff like that goes down. My sincere condolences to your sudden loss of liberty and freedom.

    Look at it this way: first there came the DMCA, which made it illegal to import SERIAL FRIGGING CABLES into America (apparently they can be used to pirate software :(), and also made it illegal to write certain types of generic decryption algorithms.

    To sum it up, you can go to jail for making the big boys (TimeWarnerMicrosoftAOL et al) lose a little bit of money. Nice.

    Next there came the soon-to-be-infamous Patriot Act. It's just wrong on so many levels...


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