I'm in a pretty dark place...

by OneDayillBeFree 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    Welcome also Onedayillbefree>This is the day!!!! Your mind is free of the shackles of the WT...Now this is the first day of the rest of your life

    I havent read the other of your posts YET!!! I will go back & read them. So I dont know if your male female,married single,old ,young,

    But your ALIVE!!!! Now as Granny on the board,who wanted to kill myself when they kicked me out.I KNOW how your feeling now

    So I am going to do what I did when I woke up the day I realized that I had been preaching lies. I am going to say

    " Dear Heavenly Father please be with this our friend..Who is lonely,sad, depressed who feels they have no one who cares for them

    except us on this board, You know us ALL, Yes I know some on here dont want to know you anymore because a false prophet led them away

    But you promised us you wouldnt ever leave us or forsake us, so I am trusting in you, I ask Jesus Christ the ONLY way,truth,life,To come into

    this ones heart, wrap your arms around him as you have me. In HIS name I ask this Amen"

  • mouthy

    I went back & read your first post. So your a male.. A wonderful one by the sounds of it. I too feel religion is not the answer.
    Only as you said "I still believe in GOD" How can we not when we look at Creation...
    I love ya already....
    Mouthy, Granny Grace Gough

  • Sapphy

    Welcome onedayIllbefree and welcome to you too The Searcher!

    The Searcher, you're right many active Witnesses do feel that something is not quite right at the moment, and they are sitting tight and enduring. Of course, they're not actually allowed to express what they think is wrong to each other for fear of apostacy charges, so they continue to sit tight. And endure. Alone.

    Maybe, just maybe, it's not God's organisation...

  • TweetieBird

    OneDayIllBeFree - please don't give up. Most of here have been where you are now but it does get easier. It's hard coming out of the matrix, but you need to focus on making more friends on the outside and pursuing things that you love or have always wanted to try. Even 10+ years later, I lie to my family members. They know I don't go to meetings anymore but it doesn't stop them from trying to save me. Sometimes I just want to totally let them know that I am "apostate" so that they will forever leave me alone.

    Transhuman68 - LOVED the poem...so true!

  • tornapart

    ODIBF... I have days like that too sometimes. ((((hugs)))). But you're not alone. Many of us feel as you do, living a lie but not wanting to lose our family and friends. You feel trapped.

    I still believe in God and I have pleasure reading his word and prayer for helping me feel closer to him and guiding me through this mess. I've also drawn closer to Jesus, something I could never do in the WT. Now my mind is free from the that I can go to Jesus as my mediator instead of a manmade organisation.

    To Granny Mouthy.. I love your posts!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I don't know how some of you do that!!! I know why but how blows my mind. When I woke up I didn't want anything to do with them. But, I was already being shunned by most so it wasn't as hard to make the break But had many hard days in the process


  • flipper

    ONEDAYI'LLBEFREE- I'm sorry to hear you are feeling down. Please be assured of our authentic love and unconditional care to you friend. AS you mentioned you've made some friends here or at least you like us here. Would it be possible to make some non-Witness friends in the area you live at ? It may help you with your loneliness just to alk to someone who understands. I'll PM you me and my wifes phone number, O.K. ? Check your PM's. Hang in there friend

  • mouthy

    Thanks tornapart....That warms the cockles of my heart.
    Not all on board agree with me

  • N.drew

    Amen! Mouthy! God bless you too Granny Grace!

  • mouthy


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