How to Lose a Jehovah's Witness

by JAVA 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • JAVA

    I ran across this bit of humor while doing some research--enjoy!

    I think the Jehovah's Witness people already have me on their list. A fast story about a Witness encounter. Years ago, when I was married to my first wife, I was trapped on the front porch of the house by a Witness. I am not the kind of guy who would turn the dog on the guy, even though I had a dog who would make lunch out of the guy. We were getting dressed to go to a wedding. I was ready to go and Lorraine was still trying to figure out which truckload of makeup to use on her face. She was not even close to being dressed. I will say, though, that I thought she looked fine in underwear. Well, after about 20 minutes this Witness guy was still bending my ear. At this point Lorraine walks out of the house onto the porch wearing only a black bra and panties and says to me, "We better get out of here before your wife comes home." I think the Witness set his shoes on fire trying to get away from the house in a hurry. This is a true story.

    Even though the marriage went in the garbage, I still enjoy the story. The second wife is working out much better, but I don't think she would walk out on the porch in her underwear.

    Enjoy your show, Paul Pugliese

    Found at

  • ofcmad

    When I was scouring my couch for change last week, I found one tucked in the hide-a-bed. He apparently had been there for weeks. I think that he was able to survive by eating the fallen crumbs of potato chips.

    I did like the wife's thinking. That was a good way to lose one.


  • Beck_Melbourne


    Classic story...well done. I have no idea what i'm going to say when they call on my door...I have been in Melbourne for over 3 years and JW have only called kids answered the door so I never got a chance to enter into a lengthy debate. Why would I do that? To help them they are counting time so they might as well enjoy a cold or hot drink and some fellowship with an apostate lol. I'm sure there is no easier way to get rid of them then to announce your intentions which is to turn them from their current path of self destructive behaviour and to join us on the 'dark side' lol.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    My brother tells me about the time a Jdub was talking to him as he was working in his garage. My brother got so pissed off at him he went inside and slammed the door leaving the dub standing there. He said he went out back out there 15 minutes later and the dub was still standing there waiting for him. They sure don't take a hint do they.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • ofcmad

    Actually one of the best ways to get them to leave is tell them that you are a born-againer that speaks in tounges... then you can start chanting.. "Mecca-leca-hi-mecca-hinie-ho".. they'll leave in a heartbeat!


  • JAVA

    Beck, when seeing JWs in the neighborhood I join them; no kidding. I usually meet them on the sidewalk and say something like, "Hey it's a great day for service isn't it?" Most JWs don't know me because I've been out for several years, and they give me a puzzled look. Then I say, "I'll take the next house and explain to the householder why you shun me for voting, and you can follow up with the latest magazines." Typically they head for the car and drive out of the neighborhood. It's a great way to start your Saturday mornings--give it a try!

    The Witnesses don't work the neighborhood often anymore; I don't know why.

    Will, you're right, some Witnesses can't take a hint. Tell your brother's spouse to step out of the house in her underwear. That will either drive them off or increase JW activity in the neighborhood! I like ofcmad's suggestion, too, but I get tongue-tied when speaking in tongues.

  • butalbee

    JAVA--Very cool story. I can imagine the looks on those witnesses!!! LOL!!!!!

  • slipnslidemaster

    Oh JAVA, you crack me up!

    Slipnslidemaster: "Facts are the enemy of truth."

    - Don Quixote

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