Watchtower Theology is based on inauthentic foundation: proof texts

by Terry 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    I think we all forget that there WAS NO TECHNOLOGY in bible times. The world was strictly ANALOG.

    The thinking and speaking were analog.

    No recordings, no iPhone, cassettes, videos, film, or even floppy discs :)

    If you heard something interesting or stunning from the man on the street YOU EITHER BELIEVED IT or IGNORED IT.

    If you believed something you told YOUR VERSION to the next guy.

    Surely that is a shaky foundation for us to make claims of PROOF TEXT accuracy.

    We don't even have to claim the bible is NOT inspired. We just have to make the following very reasonable statement:

    Nobody knows which texts in the bible may be inspired and which ones are totally bogus.

    You can't ask people to lay their lives on the line with odds like that.

  • truth_b_known

    "All Scripture IS inspired by God and useful for teaching, reproving and setting things straight."

    We must remember that the above scripture was written before the Bible was put together. How many books were written that were not put into the canonical Bible? Are those books inspired and beneficial? What about the Apocryphal books?

    It was the Catholic church decided which books would be put into the Bible and those that would be excluded. So, was the Catholic church the Faithful and Discreet Slave and was it providing spiritual food at the proper time by doing that?

    Jehovah's Witnesses also defend the Bible by saying that it is not a book of science, but that it speaks of things scientifically correct before they were accepted by mankind. This is hypocritical.

    Consider the book of Genesis and the account of the global flood. A global flood is physically impossible. In order for there to be enough water on the earth to cover it's surface, the mass of the earth would change and therefor change the earth's orbit.

  • Dunk

    Paul’s comments would exclude the inspiration of the NT entirely. If Christians would be "fully competent" with the existing inspired scriptures composed up to that time, then any additional writing, including any by Paul himself, would be unnecessary.

  • marriedtoajw

    truth_b_known - You bring up an excellent point regarding the Catholic Church who officially recognized what books would be included in the New Testament Canon. I do find it very difficult to imagine an all knowing God would use solely the written word to teach truths while not protecting it from errors, purposeful or otherwise. An all knowing God communicating to mankind would use man, wouldn't he??? This is why I can't understand why people get so upset about "man made religions". Aren't we all human??? Unless God speaks to us in a booming voice decending from where ever he is, it would seem that it would be through man that he would communicate to man, as flawed as all religions may be, as man is flawed and fallen.

  • Quentin

    Surely that is a shaky foundation for us to make claims of PROOF TEXT accuracy.....Terry

    Very shaky indeed. Up until the time of Constantine there was NO NEW TESTAMENT. There were hundreds of letters [ epistles ] that circulated among the various Church groups. Did they have a Bible? Yes. The so called Old Testament that had been canonized by the Jews. You must UNDERSTAND that many Church groups, influenced by their local Bishop, didn't even accept that as inspired scripture.

    I do not think that proof texts can be settled to anyones satisfaction simply because there are no ORIGINALS in existence.

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