Did you DF yourself on purpose?

by Evidently Apostate 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I haven't done anything official yet. I don't know if I ever will, or if I'll just go on living my life as I see fit and let the chips fall where they may.

  • Glander

    Write a concise, but fact rich letter as to why you no longer want to be a JW. Go to Kinkos and make a few dozen copies. Sign one and mail it . During a meeting place a copy under the windsheild wiper of every car in the lot. When they make their little self serving announcement that implies almost anything nasty the congregation can imagine, it will be too late.

    I have suggested this before but I don't know if anyone has ever done it.

  • pbrow

    I personally DA'd myself. I stayed in for a while because I promised my mother that I wouldnt DA myself unless it was neccessary but I would not hide things that I was doing; holidays and such. I knew it wouldnt be long as I have two children that still go to meetings with the ex who lives in the same area. Two mature lemmings came to the door when they saw my christmas decorations and finally after two informal "talks" with these "men" they informed me of the judicial commitee (even though they swore they were not there to judge me). I told them not to worry because I was not going to be judged by three men in a closed door back room meeting and turned in a short letter to them.

    I know some people dont think they need to answer at all to these people because "they dont have any influence in their lives now" I can respect that but for me personally I did agree to be in the org (even though i was young) and I do not want to have any ties to them now. I didnt preach in my letter just very short and simple and that was my way of breaking the ties. If people will shun you for that than they really dont DESERVE to be around you. Surrounding yourself with people of high character sometimes means ridding yourself of those who dont have it.


  • noni1974

    I DA ed myself but it was before the change in announcements. I left in 1998 and I was announced as DA ed, not "noni1974 is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" it was "noni1974 has disassociated herself" (big difference if you ask me, but whatever). I left with a two line letter stating my intention of not bing a JW ever again. My anouncement was " noni1974 has DA ed herself" or whatever the announcement was for a DA prior to 1999/whenever the change was made.

    All I know is that by making the announcement my way, (prior to the change in announcement) to let my family and former congergation know it wasMY CHOICE to leave. There is not doubt that it was any issue or scriptual reason for me to be DF ed (IE I never broke the rules and have never had a JC in my life!). I decided to leave on my own and I wanted everyone to know that they could not contact me ever!! I just wanted to be free and not have any connection to the JW's ever again. 14 years later and I still have zero regrets.

  • pbrow

    glander, that is an awesome suggestion!


  • truthseeker1969

    Glander what are the right words to say in a JC. I didn't have one I was Df'd in absentia then had it overturned but never stepped foot in a KH since then.

    What are the magic words?

  • Glander

    No magic words required. Just the facts. What are the particular inconsistencies, contradictions and failed doctrines that you were disturbed by? There is a wealth of info here and I think even some sample letters. Ray Franz wrote a whole book! But I agree it should be brief and pithy. You should refer to those things that have most disappointed you personally. The WT societies recent history of flip flops and dishonesty is a "target rich" subject.

  • truthseeker1969

    Im out but there are many who said they were asked particular questions and I would if I got the chance like to know what they were/are.

    i have asked them where in the bible it states that anyone should go to elders after they have been DF'd and ask to get in, they replied that it is to keep the congregation 'clean" all while knowing that the society states people live double lives in the congregation.

    I wont go back but it is always good to know what exactly goes on.

  • Glander

    truthseeker - I suggest you scan the archives of this site, especially the topics re Watchtower beliefs. You will find lots of straightforward info.

    Best wishes in your journey.

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