not sure if this thought has been dealt with from the april wt

by therevealer 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • therevealer

    They have used this sort of bull in the past. But this time they really amp it up with the relating themselves with Jesus. And why are they still such cowards. Why use the "faithful steward" when they so obviously mean "the governing body"

    10 The other good example we will consider is that of the apostle Peter, who avowed his loyalty to Jesus. When Christ used graphic, figurative language to emphasize the importance of exercising faith in his soon-to-be-sacrificed flesh and blood, many of his disciples found his words shocking, and they left him. (John 6:53-60, 66) So Jesus turned to his 12 apostles and asked: "You do not want to go also, do you?" It was Peter who responded: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life; and we have believed and come to know that you are the Holy One of God." (John 6:67-69) Did this mean that Peter fully understood all that Jesus had just said about His coming sacrifice? Probably not. Even so, Peter was determined to be loyal to God's anointed Son. 11 Peter did not reason that Jesus must have the wrong view of things and that if given time, Hewould recant what He had said. No, Peter humbly recognized that Jesus had "sayings of everlasting life." Likewise today, how do we react if we encounter a point in our Christian publications from "the faithful steward" that is hard to understand or that does not match with our thinking? We should try hard to get the sense of it rather than merely expecting that there will be a change to conform to our viewpoint.-Read Luke 12:42.

  • sir82

    The message is getting more shrill.

    "Don't question us!!!! Obey us! We know more than you do! Shut up and obey! Obey us! Obey us! OBEY US!!!!"

  • Cinciguy74

    Wow, they might as well just say "Trust us, it will be fine."

    What happened to "Make sure of the important things"? Should we have just trusted they were right on the Generation, or how about "Millions now living will never die", or the understanding of Organ Transplants, or use of Aluminum, or vaccines, or Hemopheliacs with Factor K.

    Essentially they are saying, what we are saying right now is right, and will never change. Even if it changes, it doesn't, we are still right.


  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Peter was determined to be loyal to God's anointed Son. 11 Peter did not reason that Jesus must have the wrong view of things and that if given time, Hewould recant what He had said. No, Peter humbly recognized that Jesus had "sayings of everlasting life."

    Is this the same Peter that denied Christ? The same Peter that Paul chastized for his hypocracy by expecting the gentiles to live like Jews if they were to be true Christians? Ga. 2:11-16 ? I think they need a better example.

    Notice Jesus' reaction when the others left because they ceased believing: he didn't shun them, tell others not to talk to them, say mean things about them, or try to force them back through emotional biological blackmail. That's the standard.

  • 00DAD

    JD: Notice Jesus' reaction when the others left

    Good point! Clearly the behavior of the WT leaders and their followers is NOT that of Christ!

  • designs

    Well the Jesus character of the Gospels had already used Mental coersion and Emotional Blackmail on the people who were following him around by telling them they could not be close to God with out him and that he would toss them into an eternal place of torture for rejecting him. Not a nice guy.

  • yesidid

    Notice Jesus' reaction when the others left because they ceased believing: he didn't shun them, tell others not to talk to them, say mean things about them, or try to force them back through emotional biological blackmail.

    Good thinking Jonathan.

  • matt2414

    The Watchtower is misapplying that discussion between Jesus and Peter. Jesus still exists in heaven and so do his words in the Bible, so he doesn't need to be replaced by anyone to apply this to our times. Peter, a follower of Christ, would represent Christian followers today. If we find something hard to understand in the scriptures today, should we turn away and abandon them? The Bible has sayings of everlasting life, where else is there to go? On the other hand, "Christian publications" and the "faithful steward" have no place in this example. The so-called faithful steward or slave class of the Jehovah's Witnesses are mere humans, whose interpretations of the scriptures are subject to change, tossed hither and thither like waves in an ocean. (Ephesians 4:14) The Bible is the source of truth, which is why Paul wrote: "Let God be true, and every man a liar." (Romans 3:4)

  • designs

    yesidid- Sure Jesus bashed and shunned he told the Jews their House was abandoned to them in a great moment of hubris.

    matt2414- Are you being ironic.

  • flipper

    The REVEALER- THanks for revealing this. Wow, just wow. In capital letters - W-O-W !

    This quote from the article is insane : " Likewise today, how do we react if we encounter a point in our Christian publications from the " faithful steward " that's hard to understand or that does not match with our thinking ? We should try hard to get the sense of it rather than merely expecting that there will be a change to conform to our viewpoint. "

    Translation : All of your JW brains are imperfect and sinful and you cannot trust your actual authentic mind to think correctly. You need to turn your minds off, stop thinking for yourself and blindly trust that we, the WT society leaders know what's best for you. You ARE NOT capable of thinking for yourselves - and if you TRY thinking for yourselves we, the WT leaders WILL NOT listen to your viewpoints ANYWAY as we will NEVER change to conform to YOUR viewpoint because WE the " faithful steward " are in control of your lives and make all your decisions FOR you.

    This is a very dangerous statement and the WT society has been tilting this direction even more hardcore for quite some time now. But I agree with others - they are becoming even MORE blatant and unashamed about being harsh slaveholders and taskmasters. It is absolutely sickening, disgusting, and actually criminal that they rape people's minds and steal their identities away from them. If I had a rocket launcher I swear- some son of a bitch would pay. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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