do any of the governing body have children?

by bigmac 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Silent_Scream

    Anthony Morris has two sons - Paul and Jesse. Jesse is in Brooklyn Bethel and works on the Branch desk.

    Guy Pierce has a son, from his previous wife I believe.

  • blondie

    Rutherford had a son named Malcolm mentioned in the Proclaimers book.

    Morris is from Italian descent and, unlike most of the predominantly childless GB, has raised two sons "in the Troof". He is in his fifities.

  • blondie

    Remember that while these men may not have had children, most had wives, parents, siblings, nephews and nieces, that is they were part of a family, some of which may have been df'd. I know people that while not having children, raised their younger sibllings, some their nephews and nieces.

    I've known many an elder that had children and was a piss poor parent.

    I believe what hampers the GB is that they are no longer part of normal human society and live in what could be called an ivory tower.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I' m finally beginning to read more about the towering figure of Martin Luther. The celibacy requirements were heartily denounced. Luther, himself, a monk, fled the practice and married a former nun. They had children. Interestingly, I was watching the Tudors. It reported that no one in England and other countries thought celibacy was Biblical. Almost all the Vatican curia and further down the line had married bishops, popes, with wives or common law wives. They had large famiies. There was no approbation. The common people thought celibacy unnatural. The Vatican might demand it but it was rarely practiced for large segments of church history.

    Even at the KH hall level, we had few married brothers. Few had the resources to marry and run a household. We had a lot of lazy sisters with foster children as money machines. They did not treat them as their own children. I felt so sorry for the kids. They also had too many foster children at once. When I saw their homes and the child abuse in public, I felt so sorry for the kids. The sisters were too lazy and disinterested to discipline them. They were good kids. The Single brothers were heartless about the kids acting out. Some mentoring from the brothers would have aided their development. I t was mostly black boys surrounded and suffocated by women who did not care. A few hours a week wouldd have given them so much hope and exposure to men.

  • discreetslave

    Guy Pierce is a father & grandfather

    Anthony Morris is a father

    Lyman Swingle (deceased) has step children who have kids ( don't remember how many) one of which he helped raised ( I don't know how long)

    Albert Schroeder (deceased) raised a son.

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