I went to a meeting 6 months after leaving

by discreetslave 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    YAY DS - Absolutely love it!

  • discreetslave

    @ Cantleave Roger Waters said the song is about comparing a time in his life where he felt so detached from life and numb to reality to a time when he was severely sick as a child. When I listened to the song as a JW I would think about how miserable I was and how I felt numb to being happy and I was just existing.

    Here's some more on my visit


  • steve2

    discreetslave, loved your videos and your chosen name. Way to go!

  • PaintedToeNail

    discreetslave-WOW! I loved you videos. Thanks for the heads up on not speaking openly to your spouse as per Combating Mind Control I'm waiting for my copy, I thought it would be here by now, I really need it, I too just want my hubby to WAKE UP and have been too frank in my talks with him. Wishing you so much happiness!

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