hello I Am the Tater-T

by Tater-T 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Tater-T

    so Here I am... Finally.. I'm 3rd gen, DF'd since 87 .. married a worldly girl in 88.. to save my soul, daughter in 90 divorced in 92.... let my daughter be raised by others, figured if it's the truth... I'll present it when she old enough to be acountable... just sent her the video growing up JW 1960-2010

    By not wanting to teach this to my child, resonated within and well here Iam... thanks to this site and all of you..

    Everyone on my Dad's side of family is Df'd or inactive except my older sister, who has been flying over here to Idaho to see us from Hawaii.. which is making me think she is getting tired of the retoric...

    I don't know where I'm going with this... I just want to change my way of thinking.. I can't see the future... but now I know why...

    I have a lot to share, but for now just one thought, on being a JW child.. in 3rd grade I never got see one cartoon on Saturday.. when all the other kids were talking about how awesome Hong Kong Phooey was... I just sat there paralized, prentending to have seen it... and angry LOL ..

    I think there are a lot more people out there like me... out but still clinging to 'the Truth' in their heads.. because going against is the ultimate 'UNFORGIVABLE' sin...

    that it for now L8r T8R

  • sizemik

    Welcome Tater-T . . . nice to have you here.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you. I hope the site is as valuable for you as it has been for me.

  • Knowsnothing

    Tater-T, I feel you with the unforgivable sin. It the sole doctrine that held me in for so long. I was obsessive about it.

    Don't fear. With time and profound investigation, you can reach a satisfying conclusion (at least in regards to that doctrine) and be free of it.


  • PaintedToeNail

    Hi Tater-T, welcome to the club. As for the forgivable sin thing for going against the org., as few years back, but maybe even 10 years ago, the WTBS had an article of who would be resurrected. They indicated that King Solomon, the Ultimate Apostate, who was given everything his heart desired, and yet led the nation to worship other gods, will be resurrected. The passage they used to justify this was that he laid down with his forefathers. Using that terminology in the scriptures indicated that he would be resurrected.

    Have you been the beneficiary of Divine Intervention in the form of wisdom, riches and aclaim? Have you led an entire nation astray in worship? No? Then don't worry too much about having committed the unforgivable sin by doubting or not believing everything you were force fed.

  • N.drew
    Have you been the beneficiary of Divine Intervention in the form of wisdom, riches and aclaim? Have you led an entire nation astray in worship? No? Then don't worry too much about having committed the unforgivable sin by doubting or not believing everything you were force fed.

    Haha! PaintedtoeNail A very decent point of view.

    Hello Tater-T! Welcome

    Are not the Governing Body and their followers the ones described as "after their own desires"? Then they would choose Solomon to be resurrected, wouldn't they?

  • Tater-T

    thanks! it is because of that everyone in my family wouldn't talk about it!! I just started opening up, with my brothers.. and a cousin too,..

    Turning point for me was in 2009, when witnessing to a friend on why i don't celibrate Christamas..I said " Don't you examine the truths and origins of your religious beliefs!?" and it hit me I'm giving advice I havent taken myself! first site I saw was JW recovery...

    the young pionneer, who help me in my inoculation... was always pointing out that JW's are like a Cult in every way but they are not, because a cult has to have ONE MAN as a leader... he wanted make sure I knew the right answer if some said your in a cult.. Everything in says cult but they are not ! Got IT.... when JW recovery pointed the GB is that One man!! Game Over.. I spent several days full of fear.. digging .. then not knowing what do with new found knowledge put it away till now

    I don't know what made me look again.. or how I came upon this site but, when I did it all started up again,, I've beeen reading post for days ..

    I love it it has helped me... I'm not Afraid anymore.. aleast not of them..

  • mouthy

    Welcome Tater T so good to have you join us.

    In Time you will see all the false prophecy the WT made
    I am 84 yrs old 25plus a JW...I know at first it is difficult
    to admit we believed such gabage. But as the time goes
    by You will be just as much against false teaching as we
    are on here...BUT!!!! as Granny on Board. I have to say
    Dont forget to Pray!!! To the One whom God said "LISTEN TO"
    Jesus Christ >THE WAY TRUTH LIFE!!!!!!! Great to have you

    on board the GOOD SHIP Of Apostasy.( as they call us

  • Tater-T

    Thanks Painted toe nail good point... I feel much better already... yes mouthy it is difficut to admit.. I worry for my Sister now she waited to have kids.. well you know why .. late 40's .. now over 50 w 3 youngest is 5. on her last visit .. I said to 5yo

    'you want to go to a movie'

    he said,' no!not ones with Demon's!' and a look of terror! It made me sick

    The two older ones have learning disabilities, walked before crawling.. step skippers.. someone scolded her on FB for not getting them help..

    I'm guessing since the new system is right around the corner... I'm glad she is coming see us thats a start...

    has any one noticed this, my younger sister is DF'd like me for the same offense.. yet all JW's talk to her if they see her.. I'm the freaking Plague.. never got they pick and chose

  • Tater-T

    and the look of terror was when he said 'Demons they will get inside you.'. I can't imagine telling that too a 5 year old.. but they have the truth

  • Phizzy

    Tater T, welcome ! in fact Double welcome ! your take on things is so valuable fo rreaders on here, they can see the madness of the cult they are trapped by !

    Looking forward to more contributions from your good self, and perhaps more highlighting of the plight of those sorry souls who have left the cult for whatever reason , but still hang on to some vestigial belief that some of it may be true !

    I have a message for them , in English, IT'S ALL BOLLOCKS !

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