Watchtower: DEATH is their Value What about the Laws of Noah?

by Terry 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    Life is the GREATEST value.

    For ordinary humans self-preservation is the beginning of all other values.

    Without LIFE no other values are even possible.

    Religiously speaking, this is especially true!

    A dead person cannot worship a living god.

    When death becomes a valuable purpose it exposes a core insanity.

    The Watchtower Society's blood policy!

    Abstaining from blood was life affirming to Christians and Jews in the 1st Century because:

    it was a call for preserving human life by not shedding blood in murder.

    Is that what the Watchtower teaches? NO!

    When the elders in Jerusalem spoke about "-- adding no FURTHER burden to you---" ( WHO? GENTILES!)

    they cited a familiar and ancient set of Law for Gentiles that had been in effect since the time of NOAH.

    See the Laws of the Sons of Noah (Noahide Law)

    This was for Gentiles!

    The Seven Laws

    The seven laws (commonly rendered as Law of the Sons of Noah) are:

    1. Avodah zarah - Do not worship false gods.
    2. Shefichat damim - Do not murder.
    3. Gezel - Do not steal (or kidnap).
    4. Gilui arayot - Do not be sexually immoral (forbidden sexual acts )
    5. Birkat Hashem - Do not "blaspheme God"
    6. Ever min ha-chai - Do not eat any flesh that was torn from the body of a living animal (given to Noah and traditionally interpreted as a prohibition of cruelty towards animals)
    7. Dinim - Set up a system of honest, effective courts, police and laws.

    Ask yourself a simple question.

    Why would Christians not be warned about murderif it weren't already contained in "abstain from blood" (corresponding to the Noahide Laws)?

    The Watchtower has diabolically reversed this into a death affirming policy by making martyrdom more important than a living worshipper.

    The actual "respect for Jehovah" blood issue was contained in the prohibition on "Keep yourselves free from things strangled..." because the blood was not poured out .

    Stop and compare that to what you've always heard!

    The Watchtower Blood issue is a huge neon sign blinking on and off over a pawn shop where people offer their lives and the lives of their

    love ones for no other reason than that they've been lied too about what is really valuable.

    Life is the greatest value; not approval from a book publishing company in Brooklyn!

  • N.drew

    They had me convinced because blood can sometimes make a person very sick and I hate being sick.

    That's probably why the wonderful campaign for the truth about blood doesn't work for many people. They cling to freedom to say no to transfusion. That's my opinion.

    If I had the risk of deciding a transfusion for my children, I would have decided for life, I think. I hope.

    A lot of things (the anti-blood doctrine foremost) should be taught as a conscious matter. We know blood can and has killed so for each situation it should be considered as any other choice a person has to make.

  • thetrueone

    Even though there was little medical practice at the time other than it was realized if enough blood had pored out of a human or a animal

    that they would most likely die.

    Mostly likely the reason that these ancients thought life was solely contained in blood alone.

    They had little other knowledge of what the other organs were for.

    The other opposing question is ... where is the disregard of the sacredness of blood as its defined in the bible, abandoned when there is a transference

    of blood from one person to another.

    In this action the sacredness with the respect to life is displayed, as well the commandment to love one another as instructed by Jesus himself..

    Human self sacrifice toward the god of the ancient Hebrews was not practiced and was clearly rejected even when other civilizations were still practicing

    this in the worship of their own god(s) .

  • darwin
  • truth_b_known

    How does Do Not Eat Animal Blood = Do Not Accept a Blood Transfusion?

    The Watch Tower Society's ability to go from God's command not to eat animal blood all the way to not acceptig a blood transfusion is a leap in human opinion. The Watch Tower Society tries to tell people what God's thinking is by connecting imaginary dots between his command and their doctrine. This is called "human reasonning".

    Blood is sacred. So were the special bread offerings that David ate in spite of the fact it was forbidden by law to eat them.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    It is so funny because the entire reason to look to religion in the first place is to preserve your life! And oh how many lives has religion taken?

    Wars, wacky beliefs, hatred.

    jws will not go to war since they might have to take a life and yet they will let their child die. Just becuase the groping body say too!

  • Terry

    Jehovah's Witnesses would ONLY have to abstain from MURDER to fulfill the prohibition in Acts.


    Allowing your physician to treat a LIFE or DEATH situation with blood is not MURDER.

    Ironically, refusing to allow it IS!

    How? If a person were drowning and you did not throw them a life preserver when one was available your INaction caused their deliberate death!

    If you prevented somebody else from throwing the life preserver it would be the same as murder!

    The Watchtower interprets "abstain from blood" as the opposite purpose altogether! Could they be more wrong? No!

  • thetrueone

    Is there any wonder why even to the most Orthodox Jews today they've never subsided with this particular view of blood transfusions

    or any other Christain based religious organization.

    Personally I think people within the organization realized over time they or someone in the past made a theological mistake

    in interpreting what was written in the bible, but since it had been so strongly supported by the organization for many years

    and people did in fact die from refusing a BT, they are now compelled to keep the doctrine as is.

    As religious organizations go sometimes they get closer to the Truth and sometimes they just simply drop the ball,

    they dropped it concerning BTs, as well vaccinations and organ transplants, all with devastating consequences upon the followers.

    They also dropped the ball concerning celebrating birthdays, but thats another story.

  • designs

    Exposing the policy can't be repeated enough.

    One of the turning points in my life as an Elder, and my life per se, was to be with a young husband at the Hospital sitting with him as his wife's uterus ruptured during labor and she bleed to death because of the Wt. policy.

  • Terry

    Let us be realistic.

    If you have two ball bearings produced by the same manufacturer sitting on a table next to each other and these are identical in every way

    why would you need to say: "There are two ball bearings?"

    Because the physical material fact asserts itself of individuation=difference through quantity. That's why.

    Reality is what it is. Reality cannot be general. Reality is specific.

    Truth, however, is a general concept that is only itself "true" when it describes a particular which exists in reality.

    However, remarkably, if I sit two people side by side and ask each of them to think of a TRIANGLE they cannot-- without deciding on a PARTICULAR rather than a general sort (scalene triangle, right triangle, acute triangle, isoceles triangle).

    Why? Because our INTELLECT is not physical or material and our thoughts can only particularize and not generalize!

    If I say "chair" to you it "means" something and a crowd of 100 people will agree that it "means" such and such. But, if you have to describe: chair, or draw a picture of "chair" you will end up with a PARTICULAR KIND of chair. Not simply "chair".

    The BLOOD we abstain from has to be "particularized" to actually "mean" anything to us in reality.

    The Watchtower Society jumps in and strictly particularizes this with eating and transfusing.

    The prohibition in scripture is intellectualizing BLOOD, however to mean "causing someone to die."

    Look at the result of the Watchtower effort: death.

    Compare that to the result of the scripture prohibition: life.

    What has the Watchtower done on purpose? It has created a special category of OBEDIENCE more important than LIFE itself.


    What is the scripture in Malachi? Is it "Obedience is better than Life"? or "Obedience is better than a sacrifice"?

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