Online Gamers? (FTP)

by Uboat_Ninja 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • slipnslidemaster


    Slipnslidemaster: "Facts are the enemy of truth."

    - Don Quixote

  • ofcmad

    I'm into single player games.. Max Payne ROCKS!!!
    Got a working version of it from Morpheous.

  • bboyneko

    You haven't lived until you play Max Payne with the Kung-fu Mod

    The kung-fu mod give max a gazillion kung fu moves and flips, including wall running, like in the Matrix.

    What I did is combine the kung fu mod with a matrix lobby shoot out level (looks exactly like the scene in the movie) and added Matrix music (the matrix theme by enigma) everytime he does bullet dodge. I also modifed the bullet dodge so it lasts much longer per use, so you can shoot a coupla guys in the head before falling on the floor.

    The kung fu mod also has matrix-style bullet dodging, and man it adds a ton to the game. Also I added a mod that give you a ton of new weapons, including double grenade launchers. very very cool.

  • safe4kids

    I'm boring...I play Backgammon.

    Hey Tyydyy, my son is an EverQuest fanatic! He keeps trying to get me to play, but so far I haven't tried it.


  • Uboat_Ninja

    Sorry Xander
    Dont have any WTS stuff. Too busy with the games. Oh and Bboyniko, you may recognise from MOH. I'm the one who got blasted you from behind with the shotgun. ;) Seriously, Im Uboat Ninja in game, sometimes I use Anna Kournikova's BG IRL as my handle Later

    Won't you visit my dojo?

  • tyydyy


    Ask your son about the dangers of online Gaming. You start out with the easy levels. That's how they get you hooked. Then you have to spend more and more time just to keep up. Before you know it you've stayed up all night, you can't go to work and your whole life falls apart. I wish I knew the statistics on how many homeless are a direct result of online gaming. Please see someone before starting!!


  • Hmmm

    Is Medal Of Honor the same as Ghost Recon, or the Rainbow Six games?


  • bboyneko

    No, Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear are all realism, Medal of Honor is more realistic than return to castle wolfesnetin and quake but much more arcade-like than rogue spear.

    Medal of honor is the funnest First Person Perpective Multiplayer shooter in my opinion.

    A beautiful screenshot from the excellent game, Medal of Honor: Allied Assualt


  • Xander

    Heads up to those in this thread....

    Serious Sam 2 *rocks*. It's only $20, but it rocks much more than the price would suggest.

    It is a throwback to the Doom-era 'twitch'-shooters. Not much strategy, just hordes of monsters, plenty of powerups, lots of monsters, tons of ammo, undless waves of monsters, and boss battles at each level end. Oh, and the graphics are the best thing since T2. Really impressive.

    Good game, with a great sense of humor (everyone found the 'Hall of Fame' in level 1?? ROFLMAO!!)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

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