Hi - I'm new here!

by Flicka 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dold Agenda
    Dold Agenda

    Welcome! Do you like horses, Flicka?

    Oh.. Yes, that was that movie about a Mustang or something...
    But... "Flicka" is also the word for "Girl" in swedish.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew


    there used to be a tv program when i was a kid called My friend flicka about a beloved horse.

  • Gayle

    Welcome Flicka and Twistie!

    So wonderful that you have each other in this process. Reading is important as you are doing and the several books noted in previous posts. We had to read so much JW literature in our young minds (since many of us were born-ins at least raised since young) entangling a lot brain cell paths, reading info with facts of WT history,noted manipulations and flip-flops helps us to re-set a lot of mental thinking. Then we learn critical thinking, finding ourselves with freedom of mind andheart.

    So many best wishes!

  • Flicka


    Yes I do like horses.

    I've seen the movie but not the series "My friend flicka".

    I don't think it was shown on the tv channels here.

  • 3rdgen

    Welcome Flicka,

    Is't this a great group? People so different, yet so many similar feelings and experiences. You and Twisty are in the same boat as my hubby Balaamsass and I. Every day that goes by it feels like more weight is lifted off our shouldersLikely you are feeling the same.

    Wishing you two all the best on your road to freedom.

  • Twisty

    Hmm..already introduced you as Mrs Twisty..whats this Flicka business?

    No more Submission to my authority?


  • Flicka

    Twisty if I'm always submissive our married life would be very boring.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Oh no Twisty! The jezebel's out of the bottle!

    Welcome to you both. Wishing you peace, relief and new experiences in your new life.


  • JunkYardDog

    http://www.seanet.com/~raines/index.html this site has some of the craziest stuff the wts ever printed, a lot about "millions now living will never die" and quack wts medicine. etc. a must read for all fading and x jws. I have used info from this site and even the most hard core jw's can't deal with what the wts printed in the "golden age mag"

  • ziddina

    Welcome to the board, Flicka!!

    It's good to hear that you and Twisty are on the same page, now....

    The Watchtower Corporation sure has the power to break up families.... Glad that it's failed in the case of you and Twisty!!!

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