New Member-Enda 75-Confused

by enda75 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • enda75

    Yes, she personally takes the children to the meetings. Her father, my boyfriend, is Catholic and her mom is a JW. They have been divorced for years. The mother is still a JW. Their daughter wrote a letter and disaassociated herself, she claims to her dad she is half Catholic and half JW. I know she's a FRUIT LOOP but my boyfriend don't get it. I know if you are DF and want to come back you would go to the meetings but if you DA yourself, isn't that different?

  • ziddina

    Oh, she sounds nutty, that's for sure....

    I can't see a way to help, in this situation - unless....

    Can YOU have the children for a weekend or two, each month? Take the "burden" off of the nutcase - er, "mother"...

    Then you could take the children to MUSEUMS, art galleries, science fairs - anything that would stimulate their thinking abilities...



  • enda75

    Yes Zid, you are right she would be DF. She lives a very immoral lifestyle even for a so called WORDLY person. I just feel so sorry for the children. When the have holiday parties at school they have to stay home and all the other things they miss in life. Most of all, fear of demons and the end of the system so afraid their mother is going to die.

  • ziddina


    is there some way that you and your boyfriend could be a bigger presence in their lives???

    Any chance you could take them to OTHER places besides the ding-dong kingdom halls - like museums, IMAX theaters [predominantly science-based shows], art shows, street fairs, county fairs, and so on????

    That could give them a breath of normalcy...

  • enda75

    If I get involved with the kids, then I have to deal with the wack job. I feel bad but I don't want to get involved. I get my feelings hurt too easy, getting to old to deal with all her DRAMA.

  • ziddina

    In that case, buy the kids a subscription to National Geographic magazine...

    And Smithsonian...

    Those two magazines run circles around the dull, plodding "Watchtower" and "Awake" magazines - and the Nat.Geo and Smithsonian are CHOCK-full of scientific FACTS to offset all that Watchtower Corporation idiocy...

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