UPDATE APRIL 2015 New Documents Re: Charity Commission Investigation into Watchtower Britain

by jwleaks 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jhine

    I'll put it another way , can the Goddard enquiry be persueded to look into the WT if enough people get in touch about them , maybe even mentioning the Australian enquiry ? .


  • jhine

    Given the interest in the ARC and all of the threads and posts on the subject I am amazed at the seeming làck of interest in this thread .

    The Charity Commission already looking into the WT and the Goddard enquiry looking into child abuse in other denominations . Are these not timely opportunities for some more campaigning ?


  • Listener
    I think Marc & Cora are doing a lot in this area in Britain and they have lots of support, which might be through AAWA.
  • jhine

    Thanks Listener ,


  • Formerbrother
    I do not understand what "safeguarding matters"are they looking into
    Me too, could somebody sum up, what matters are these relating to?
  • besty


    notice that the investigations announced are described as the 'first 12' - implication is there will be more to follow

    this is a 5 year process, so the watchtower are not off the hook by any means.

    I think any elder or other person having possession of the Nov 2015 letter instructing local elders to destroy potential evidence should make the enquiry aware of it.

  • Formerbrother

    Again evidence of what?

    Could somebody sum up, what has been done wrong?

  • Vidiot
    In essence, the Charity Commission is investigating whether or not the WTS in the UK truly qualifies for charitable (i.e. tax-exempt) status, in no small part due to its alleged willful mishandling of instances of child abuse.
  • berrygerry
    jhine 3 days ago

    So I get that there are two different investigations and it is the charity commission that is looking at the WT .

    Is it possible for people who have been abused by members of the WT to get in touch with the people carrying out the investigation into historic abuse cases and get these looked at , like in Australia ?


    Cedars has been looking for shunning experiences from UK persons.


  • Tornintwo

    I would say anyone with personal close experience of child abuse, family shunning, shunning leading to depression or suicide etc. should without doubt contact the charity commission. everyone else from uk should write a concerned citizen letter about the same issues....

    you would have thought if the charity commission has enough damning evidence then they would recommend the witnesses be included in the next round of the national child sexual abuse investigation.

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