Ejaculation,Incest and Prostitutes in the bible !

by Beans 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • butalbee

    ...cow, sheeps, or beautiful rug??? Very funny!!!!

  • Satanus

    It's a double entendre, most guys would like being on a beautiful rug, nudge nudge ;) ;)


  • SixofNine

    wink, wink

  • Mindchild

    Well hot damn fellas...maybe the FDS will see "new light" and bring back the really good old days to increase the male membership ratio from the dismal 1 male to 3 women. Yes...I knew it all along, this is the Divine Plan of the Ages to bring back the concubines, multiple wives, and other fun times for the faithful men of God. You see, we are symbolically being foreshawdowed and discombobulated by the trials of Job! No nookie now is a good thing. The FDS wants to see if you will curse God and die for not getting any. When you pass the test, then you get to go out and rape and pillage in the congregations.

    Damn, I'm getting too weird for even for myself tonight.


  • Moxy

    i actually just remembered id had a really weird dream once that there was a special task force of young ministerial servants who would 'service' all the single sisters in the hall that couldnt get husbands because of the high ratio.


  • 2SYN

    Sweet! Almost a good enough reason to become a Dub again! The only reason I wouldn't do it tho would be because oral sex is banned...urgh...the pain...the trembling...and that!

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

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