We NEED Positive Things and Positive Focus

by AllTimeJeff 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    It will always mean different things to different people (being a former JW)

    The most important thing isn't the label that you give yourself. The most important thing in my opinion is making your life a happy one of your choosing. (and being willing to accept that others will choose differently and be happy too)

    For those who stay on this forum, I am still here too. I did write this for myself, no doubt about it. I got tired of looking for the next arguement to participate in on this forum.

    It isn't my place here to revisit everything JW's did wrong, or had wrong. Most people know they are wrong, and that is why most people who get a knock on the door or a WT sort of ignore it. But I do sense in others, like i have in myself, that we can linger in the past unproductively.

    Like I said, I am still here. I wouldn't be talking about this if I hadn't gone through my own shit too. And yeah, it is helpful for me to write this stuff about being positive. That's the whole key to "beating" JW's.

    Do you know the biggest lie that JW's teach to scare you to stay in? That YOU are nothing without THEM.

    Prove them wrong!

  • poopsiecakes

    Indeed, Beks. I think it will be SO awesome that it will be added to the rotation in the Chinese Zodiac.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Uh oh. The year of THE Poopsie. I wish you both great knees in 2012.

  • PaintedToeNail

    I've been reading 'Every day a Friday, How to Be Happier in Seven Days' by Joel Osteen, (I know, I know, he is a pastor and his book has a lot of references to God, which I am ignoring) and it is really, really good. He helps you start off your day in a positive way. I've been reading it aloud to my deeply ingrained JW spouse, and he finds it helpful too. I was going to return it to where got it from when I saw all the references to god, but after I started reading it, I decided to keep it. If anyone needs a boost to help them feel more positive, they might try this book.

    It is funny to read someone, not a JW, (Joel Osteen in this instance) using scriptures that we are all familiar with, in a way that is upbuilding, instead of brow beating you with the bible. He quotes lots of different bibles, and many of them seem more poetic and soothing than what the NWT reads like.

    ATJ-thank you for the reminder not to let ourselves get mired in misery.

    Everyone have a great 2012!

  • juni

    I believe you said what needs to be said ATJ. Seems that people will say what they want on forums as it's not face to face, but from behind a computer screen. Perhaps if they had personal contact w/ the person they would be more controlled and respectful of the differences of opinion? Perhaps not as some people are just assholes and will not give others due respect.

    I feel it's ironic. We say we value the right to have our opinions heard unlike what we experienced as JWs. But, within some of these threads posters are quick to jump on someone for their expressions and opinions. Isn't that JW mentality?

    I would think that we would want to choose the higher road and agree to disagree politely while expressing our own opinions. Just my two cents.


  • 3rdgen

    I couldn't agree more with your positive message or the responses (including my trick knee). New ones like myself are helped to reason and vent here as the scales and tears trickel down from our eyes. However, I can't imaginine waisting the rest of my life wallowing in blame and couldda, wouldda, shouldda. Living well is definately the best revenge. I, too, have been disappointed at the mean-spirited exchanges of late. What are we 15??? I know high school girls with more maturity. Just MHO though.

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