I have to start following the british royals...

by Aussie Oz 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    And start buying the trash mags!

    Seriously...these people drive my customers, and that drive makes them buy from me!

    So as a hat block maker i have to always know what these people and the stars are wearing on their heads because milliners all over will want to make copies.

    Not spamming ya... just think its really funny that a middle aged guy has to follow the fashion setter royals!


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Whatever you do, don't copy what Princess Beatrice wore to her cousin's wedding!!!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz


    thats one hat nobody has asked to copy! Not Phillip Treacy's best...


  • punkofnice

    Follow the royals?

    Wow! That's more than us Brits do! Our preoccupation seems to be soap stars or X-Factor.........or some other equally mind destroying rubbish. But speaking of mind numbing garbage.................strangely, we never follow the watchtower!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    You can bet every time Kate Middleton steps out in a new hat, milliners the world over will want to copy it, same goes for zara phillips, posh spice...

    you get the picture.


  • finallysomepride

    give me a copy of pippa & I'll be happy 4eva

  • JAFO

    Bro.. you have my deepest, sincerest sympathies.. that part of the job just has to suck..

    As my bit towards helping your business, here's a link to the "femail" section of the Daily Mail.. lotsa royal and celebritard hats get featured there..


    Speak of the devil, here's an article the Daily Mail just put up today, showing Kate Middleton in a new(?) hat..

  • finallysomepride
  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Thanks for those links bro...am actualy making a block for that hat of kates next week...

    now, pippa...hmmmm, die that hair black, a bang, get some tattoo sleeves going on, some real dark eyeliner, red lips and she might just come around to my side of the world!


  • Diest

    I just think it is cool that you are a hat maker....maybe it was the mercury in the hats that made you join the JWs

    If you have a website, PM me id love to see it...honestly I dont think anyone would think it is spam if you posted it here....X-Dubs have to support each other.

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