Religion v. Spirituality

by Shanagirl 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shanagirl

    Religiosity - forcing belief in certain concepts and dogma on others, judging those as sinful and in a disapproved state.

    Spirituality - comes from within ones heart and inner knowing, without an organizational agenda, but a divine agenda that is in service of others.


  • journey-on

    Religion is like a written travel guide....Spirituality is the experience that allows you to get off the beaten path/touristy areas and explore and find things not mentioned in the guide. But, you can read the guide first or carry it with you if you like.

  • botchtowersociety
    Religiosity - forcing belief in certain concepts and dogma on others, judging those as sinful and in a disapproved state.
    Spirituality - comes from within ones heart and inner knowing, without an organizational agenda, but a divine agenda that is in service of others.

    False dichotomy and bad definitions. Religion is basically communal spiritual practice.

  • nicolaou

    I don't mean to denigrate anyone's beliefs and no offence is intended but really, is a 'spiritual' approach to life any better for our mental and emotional well-being than being part of an organised religion? Some posters tout their new found 'spirituality' to be an advancement on their prior situation as Jehovah's Witnesses but in one very important aspect nothing really has changed at all, the belief that there is more than the material universe, that there exists a 'spiritual realm'.

    In this, I believe, people with a 'spiritual' outlook on life are still in error as to the true nature of existence. They are as wrong about reality as JW's, Mormons, Muslims, Zoroastrians and members of the Flat Earth Society. I'm sure many will 'tut tut' and say "Poor Nicolaou, he has no appreciation or understanding of the spiritual dimension to life". Not true.

    I can feel awe and reverence for the Universe on a cold, clear starry night. Beautiful music can move me, nature and art can inspire me and a newborn baby will stir my 'soul'. But none of this is the spirituality I am talking about and you believers know it. The spirituality I am dismissing is that 'spiritual realm' in which the Supreme Being resides, god, the divine. The connection made when praying is said to tap into that 'spiritual realm' - god's presence is 'felt'.

    For as long as this erroneous view is held, its adherents will be held fast to the bedrock of ignorance and fallacy to which all organised religions are securely attached. To the 'spiritual' man or woman who has left the Kingdom Hall behind I say this, your journey is not yet over. For as long as you hold onto your 'spirituality' you can continue to call believers of all other faiths your brothers – yes, even the Muslim extremist and the Jehovah's Witnesses you left behind.

    The ravings of a godless atheist? Rather that than the delusions of 'spirituality'.

  • cofty

    To the 'spiritual' man or woman who has left the Kingdom Hall behind I say this, your journey is not yet over.

    You cannot repeat this too often!

  • Shanagirl

    I feel having a sense of spirituality is far more better for me and my own "mental and emotional wellbeing" rather than being part of an organized religion and their community of believers.


  • Fernando

    Love your list Shanagirl!

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