by hawkaw 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • RedhorseWoman

    All of this information is so great. I just recently got back in touch with a JW from my former congregation. She had posted her email address on, and I thought that since she was making herself available to "worldly" former high school friends, she might also be an inactive JW.

    She is, unfortunately, still firmly entrenched, but she has been corresponding with me. We've mainly been catching up on news of people in the congregation. However, she has, I'm afraid, made me her "project" of sorts and has started relating all of the "encouraging" words from recent assemblies to try to "help" me back.

    Little does she know, though, that I consider her MY project, also. I'm finding it difficult to refrain from dumping all of this info in her lap, but I know that I have to be patient and ease these points in or she will run from the "apostate" reasoning.

    I do know that most of the members of her family are now inactive, although they are still in that critical phase where they could easily slide back in. I'm hoping that perhaps, in time, we may be able to get into some interesting discussions. She's a nice person, and it would be great to be able to re-establish a friendship on neutral ground.

  • lurk

    much appreciated. thanks for the posts on the UN,been interesting reading.

  • biblexaminer

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank "Hawk" for all his hard work. As he posted above, I have been carefully using this info, dropping hints to my wife, and finally she got on the iNet and looked around. I have been reluctant to post anything as she is now 'sirfin' with the best of them and I wouldn't want to have her find something and realize that I had made comments to this site concerning her. I love her very much and wouldn't want her to think I was "doing things behind her back"... This should be far enough down the board to present my thoughts yet not be overly obvious since she's a newbie and also not a techie.

    She is now seeing more clearly than she ever has. She is on the border of reading Crisis of Conscience, as today she said "I don't see anything wrong with learning what happened in the 80's" and also made a comment on "what they (GB) did to Franz and Dunlap ... just awfull".

    Thank God ...and thanks to all the persons like Hawk who got involved. I am going to print off the new info on the UN and show it to my wife.

    Since her blinders have come off, our relationship has improved dramatically. It's better now than at any point in out married life. This is what a little prayer, patience and hard work can accomplish.

    And thanks to "Amazing" for the pointers on "how to"...

    Cheers all!

  • Gozz

    Hawkaw many thanks.

    Messenger, thanks too.

    Now, bttt.

  • Kent

    Mailinglists, anyone?

    From time to time there is interesting news posted here and elsewhere. Maybe we should try to send the "good news" to JWs all over the world?

    Does anyone have a good list of emails to Jehovah's Witnesses? I believe it would be extremely interesting to set up a list where we could send news, interesting developments, etc. But the general idea would have to be to send these newsitems to Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Of course we know they are paranoid, and we know they will scream, complain, threaten - the works. But so what?

    Anyone having a good list?

    Yachyd Da


    I need the new KM's as they come! Please send me scans!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Tin Man
    Tin Man

    This NGO stuff is becoming really boring, its plain to see that Jehovah's Witness like to be lied to, and few have any intention to change their minds at all, so why go on with this chicken little hey look the skies falling in baloney. Come everybody get a life, ha ha the Catholic's think the Pope's intestinal gas is wonderfull too, the witness love everything about the Socity its God to them, just like the Pope. ~ Tin Man

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Thanks Hawk. I keep adding info to my "piles"
    I've just come across this and That is fantastic news. I hope to be where you are someday.
    I know how hard it can be sometimes and how lonely it can get.
    Congratulations, do you have plans for a 2nd honeymoon?

  • SYN

    Kent: I think that this is the wrong way to go about it...they will see the subject line and will just delete the email. What we need to do is get international exposure on television and radio about the seedy heart of the WTBTS. That will be unstoppable.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • Nassau

    I completely agree with you Syn.
    There are other effective ways to expose all these scandals about the WTS.

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