March 2012 Awake- Why are JWs so angry?

by serenitynow! 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • serenitynow!
    It's full of people on antidepressants, antianxiolytics, and antipsychotics...

    I say it's the lucky congregations who have people who actually are medicated. I've always been around people at the hall who needed to be on meds in the worst way, but weren't. My mom specifically. If she had been on an antipsychotic years ago, my life could have been so different.

  • steve2

    Snoozy, loved your comments. You reach some pretty sensible conclusions. My take on Freud is pretty low-key. I do not subscribe so much to his vividly imaginative theories on human nture but still think there is a good grain of truth in his observations. As Freud himself said somewhere, sometimes hate or resentment are justified and do not mean anything other than a perfectly justified response given the circumstances. Having said that, I'm always a tad wary of any people who get bees in their bonnet about the so-called 'moral'issues. The classic example is the apparently good living married family man who makes it known to everyone how disgusting he finds homosexuality, opposes decriminaliztion of homosexual acts and suspects some men at his work place of coming on to him (which elicits more anti-homosexual comments from him). Months later he's caught soliciting men for sex in public rest rooms. That would classify as projection in Freud's strict sense of the word.

  • punkofnice

    Frustration born of being constantly told you're no good and god will murder you soon. All the balls ups in the watchtower and stupid statements by 'just imperfect men'(TM). It's OK for the 7 paedophile protecting men to fu(|< up unforgiveably and still get the glory............but you make one tiny weeny ikkle itty bitty 'mistake' that pales into comparison compared with those made by the disgusting 7 scammers in Brooklyn and it's off to the star chamber with you.

    No wonder the JW victims are angry.

  • skeeter1

    The Kingdom Hall at times can remind one of a hybrid made up of equal parts Psych ward and a juvenile detention center. It's full of people on antidepressants, antianxiolytics, and antipsychotics. Compound that with the hamster wheel likestyle and the constant admonition that one can never do enough for Jehovah, mixed with logic and reasoning being trounced in the name of uniformity and loyalty to organization based off of a perveted interpretation of a parable, it's no wonder the congregation is full stressed out heart attack victims waiting to happen.

    That's the quote of the century!

    Skeeter doesn't live in a big JW world. I only have a few JWs 'left in', but they make life interesting. Well about a month ago I hear of a homeless woman in a congregation, and how two wonderful JWs were going to give her some temporary housing. That was nice and, well, normal for these days. Come to find out, the homeless JW woman needed emotional help. She wanted 'this world to end..' So, the elders came over to cheer her up. She did cheer up. The next day, she tried to slit her wrists! The authorities were called, and she's getting some real mental help a-la the State Mental Hospital. I then find out that her child/another child (couldn't get a straight answer) tried/did to commit suicide a few years ago too.

    Skeeter has a JW relative who tries to set up "play dates" with a "wonderful JW for you to meet." She's a high school math teacher...." Well, that must mean that she's educated and 'normal!' I find out from the community that this teacher is not 'normal' and is on meds . . . or something ain't right.

    And, the wife beating JW husband's and child beating JW wives . . . . they are "happy" people, heh?

    Anyway, I say this becuase the few JWs I hear of . . . well . . . they are like the quote above.

    I am not knocking them, and think their stories are sad. But, it's just typical how the Watchtower Society tries to portray the "worldly" people as angry, delluded, crazy, . . . . when the Friends have the same problems? The pot calling the kettle blakc.

    Well, at least the Friends will read this article and "feel better" about themselves. Well, temporarily. Until the DO comes to town to crack the whip, "Get your lazy arses out in Service..."


  • WTWizard

    Why are they angry that they wasted all their lives in field circus, and the religion wants them to waste even more? Or, perhaps that they were promised a paradise, with a rough time frame that seems to hang around 2 years. Then, once that 2 years is up, it is extended usually by around another 2 years.

    Meanwhile, they are burdened with rules that aren't even in the Bible (which is bad enough). Those rules often change, and are open to interpretation. Often, the hounders will take the strictest interpretation. Also often, when they take a more liberal interpretation, a new hounder-hounder will "fix" that. They read that Jesus promised the load was light--yet, they are hounded to attend endless boasting sessions that interfere with their lives, and do endless field circus. Many rules sequester people, often children, from the world and prevent them from doing anything with their lives only to throw them out if they make one little mistake. They are promised job security in Beth Hell, but are thrown out for one minor infraction or if they develop health issues.

    And that's just the ones who are not sexually molested as children or have children molested by hounders in the name of a hounding call, or that are falsely accused of doing something that might result in a hounding call or disfellowshipping.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    I don't know but just the thought of it pisses me off!!!!

  • zeb

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