Anti-Apostate blog has fascinating articles, photos and opinions!

by Terry 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    There is a variety of the JW species who is alot like each of us----except that they STILL remain inside.

  • Twisty

    Is there any condensed accurate version of the Mexico debacle as described by this guy?

    Its late will have a look tomorrow alot of the info is repetitive.


  • Terry

    I think everybody on JW-net should take the time to read that Anti-Ray Franz article on the Mexico Military card.

    It is a long and detailed discussion. The writer went to considerable honest effort (in my opinion) to verify sources and cite references.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    Surely someone on the site has lived in or lives in Mexico and can give a first hand report. There must be thousands of the brothers in Mexico who have faced the military issue there. Can we hear from some of them? Or, maybe there is a Spanish equivalent to this board that someone with Spanish skills can search.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    I think Ray Franz's point about the Mexican military draft card scandal was that the WTBS / GB was willing to make a reasonable exception to allow the Mexican brothers to work the system and stay out of the military. Using small amounts of money to bribe officers or officials is more or less an accepted practice in Latin America (as it is or was) in some US cities.

    But when it came to the JWs of Malawi they would not give an inch and insisted that the brothers and sisters there not buy a political party ID card. My understanding was that it was pretty much like a drivers license and it indicated that each person was a citizen and by default a member of the ruling political party. Didn't require the JWs to vote or run for office, just pay for the card.

    Ray's point was that the GBs positions were inconsistent. It didn't matter that there were less than 100 JWs a year in Mexico that this draft card would apply to versus maybe several hundred Malawi JWs of both sexes and their children. It was that the general principle was the same and it was applied differently.


  • sizemik

    As a result, the apostate is able to exploit those who misunderstand the scriptural reasons for the operational tension that exists between Jehovah's Witnesses and the moral majority, and subsequently uses this ignorance to their own advantage.

    He forgot to add . . . "And on that basis . . . my cognitive dissonance is completely alleviated."

  • Quentin
    Quentin would'nt work for me....

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