contemptus saeculi

by C.O.B.E.Beef 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • C.O.B.E.Beef

    Several months ago we had the visit of our C.O. and his Thursday night talked included rants covering several topics, with an especially long winded diatribe against "higher education". He is pretty good speaker , and his choice of illustrations seemed to win an emotional response from the audience that Ive never seen with regard to that subject.

    He began the discussion with how concerned the governing body was with the decision some parents have made to send their kids to college. The very thought of this sent convulsions through the packed house. A division arose, with half of the attendees filling their lungs in a terrified gasp, while the other group evacuated their chests in a disappointed sigh. Both groups were united though in their disgust that Witnesses exist who would sacrifice their children to university.

    Throughout the discussion, he made sure to include the disclaimer that " we arent making any rules, it is a family decision." Each time he said it , his face and tone took on a more derisive , sarcastic flavor. It was clear to all that this statement was an obligatory asterisk that was not intended to add ambiguity to his message.

    Evidently, he had performed a study of sorts, that tracked 50 Witness youths that attended college. Of those 50, only 3 graduated with their spirituality intact! You can imagine the frantic respiratory activity of the friends upon hearing that little nugget.

    This statistic provided a masterful segue into his illustration of how risky higher education is. He spoke of how , of the 2,224 aboard the Titanic, only 710 returned home safely. " You you like those odds? If I told you I had 2 tickets to the Titanic, would you buy them for your kids? What if they were half price? ...What if the tickets are free?"

    The point did not fall on deaf ears. Higher education had been sufficiently vilified until his next visit. Of couse, " we arent making any rules, it is a family decision". Part of me wishes they would grow an ecclesiastical sack and just make college a df'ing offense.

    My favorite fear-inspiring comment was that" a professor, in 5 minutes, can destroy what it took you 18 years to build."

    Is the JW faith that flimsy?

    Should I spend 18 years inculcating beliefs that can be unraveled in 5 minutes?

    Is the message that the Creator of the universe is having preached worldwide one that can only survive if the student is insulated from any differing views?

    The WT will always portray higher education as producing athiests, agnostics and apostates, not architects, attorneys and accountants.


  • PaintedToeNail

    Thank you for the intel. It is crazy what they are doing. I know of an attorney for WTBS, that they sent to law school!

    (Of course, if he ever leaves Bethel, they will attempt to revoke his license to practice law.)

  • PaintedToeNail

    Important thread-bump

  • palmtree67
    My favorite fear-inspiring comment was that" a professor, in 5 minutes, can destroy what it took you 18 years to build."
    Is the JW faith that flimsy?
    Should I spend 18 years inculcating beliefs that can be unraveled in 5 minutes?

    Excellent point.

  • sabastious
    sabastious his lifeless corpse still clung to Kate Winslet's hand. A young man of that kind of character and artistic talent should never leave this earth before his time. Why did those JW parents send their kids to college! WHY! He just froze and sunk to the bottom of the sea! Oh the humanity, so young... if only he'd stayed single and joined the full time ministry he wouldn't have been on that ship in the first place!


  • JRK

    College was good enough for Albert Schroeder's son, Judah Ben. It's not what you know, it's who you blow.


  • C.O.B.E.Beef

    Even after the latest JW TV broadcast bashing higher education , most of my witness contacts don't view University as a bad idea. Even my older parents talk about it as an option for my kids.

    Anyone else experience this? 

  • hoser

    My family is anti education. Maybe it is because none of them ever went past high school. 

    I sent mrs hoser off to college last fall and let me tell you the cacca really hit the fan. 

  • Jay Elle
    Jay Elle

    I do think depending where you live the anti college rule will fall on deaf ears.  Many of our parents are tired of living as if the end is coming tomorrow ....since it never did. We don't want to live that way anymore.  Our kids will be prepared.

    maybe poorer congregations that could not afford college for their kids will take a righteous stand...since why not? 

    Otherwise I hear and see most kids becoming college bound.

  • sir82

    My favorite fear-inspiring comment was that" a professor, in 5 minutes, can destroy what it took you 18 years to build."

    Is the JW faith that flimsy?

    This is always the point that makes utterly no sense to me.

    Stephen faced down the rock-throwing Sanhedrin....the 3 Hebrews walked thru the fiery furnace...David stood up to Goliath.....but 5 minutes with a university professor who casually mentions "evolution is true" will unravel 18 years of "theocratic training"? Uh-huh.

    And the JW lords know it makes no sense, which is why they take such pains to state that "you shouldn't ever think you are strong enough to withstand such challenges to your faith". They always make a similar statement whenever they discuss topics such as apostasy, higher education, etc.

    Why? Because they know that it won't be just a casual mention that "evolution is true". It will be several hundred pages of documented, verifiable, irrefutable evidence over the course of many months, A level of detail that the WT simply cannot refute (so of course they don't even try).

    Far easier to just say "don't go to college", and if anyone does, and is exposed to the falsity of WT claims, and "falls away", that's just more reason for them to say "See? We told you this would happen!"

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