Witness Watchdog

by sacolton 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garyneal

    Rats, I did not make the list.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    OH MY some of those people are my facebook friends does this mean what I think it means ???? Do I have really interesting people as my friends ?!


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Really quite excellant if you think about it . Now any teenager having doubts knows exactly where to go to read alternative views . Nicely packaged on to one blog site ,Good Job Brother Blacklister ! You have helped the X-jw community very much .

  • cedars

    I agree with nugget's sentiments. The very existence of such pages is telling.

    Also, it isn't exactly comprehensive. They look like they're desperately shooting in the dark...


  • Gayle

    They'll have better luck getting an "apostate" list, than getting their 'mysterious' FDS list.

  • Knowsnothing
    Their main goal is to make you doubt the faithful slave class. -Witness Watchdog

    ZOMG! ThEeyyyy areeeonnnn to usss! HIDE!

  • Knowsnothing

    I kept looking around, and Apostate Anti-Virus blacklisted Witness Watchdog.

    If this isn't Watchtarded, I don't know what it is. Where is Outlaw when you need him?

  • tec


    Um... congrats to all you who made the A-list ;)

  • PaintedToeNail

    what happened-LOL! LOL! I would LOVE to see the assless chaps! HAHAHA!!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    watchtarded, I like that.

    Isn't it amazing how so many JW's think they are Jehu, ready to kill all the Baal worshipers?

    Painted, I hope u is female. I'm not judging, I just feel more comfortable having a woman desire the assles chaps on me

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