Crisis of Conscience within the Traralgon Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses - Part 1

by sizemik 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • sizemik

    This press release on Steven Unthank's website yesterday is worth a read . . .

    It's a fuller version . . . more details.

  • Retrovirus

    Very interesting!

    From the article. . .

    The sign outside the Traralgon Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses publicly advertised that the Jehovah’s Witnesses operate a school on the premises by publishing the hours their Theocratic Ministry School is operated, namely each Tuesday night. The Watch Tower Society and the religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses, when contacted by the Victorian Department of Justice and by Victoria Police, and even by the media in Victoria, have outright denied that they operate any church-based schools with enrolled children or that they work with children

    Theocratic warfare at its finest. So that's why the sign was removed!

  • ScenicViewer

    Now I get it! I had wondered why the Meeting sign had to be removed. What was the point of it?

    As Retrovirus has pointed out (from Unthank's article) the WTS has denied operating a church based school for children. However, the Theocratic Ministry School is just that, since both children and adults are enrolled.

    The sign advertised the time the school was held, and also had an advertisement to the public stating "all welcome," and "all" would include children. Additionally the Society has stated in the Watchtower,

    " If you are not acquainted with this ministerial training course, you are invited to attend the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses to enjoy its informative program without cost. You do not have to be one of Jehovah’s witnesses to do so ." (W 9-1-73 p534, par16)

    These remarks are clearly directed at bringing non-Witnesses, including children, into the KH.

    It also explains why the 10 year old boy had to be removed from his assignment that night; it wouldn't do to have a child appear in the school after the Society has denied having a school for children.

  • Azazel

    Hi sizemik if you recall i posted about the "is it ok to lie" talk by co the other day.

    Being in the same country i wonder if theres a connection or timing that this talk is being given?

    i smell a dirty big WTS rat! How about you?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    i would like to see the results of all this. I just don't see them as this bold as of yet, but I've been wrong b4

  • geevee

    Surely there are other k halls in the district and they would still have their signs up? Why this place? Tralagon isn't some bg thriving Metropolis [nothing personal just a two horse town!] There must be more to it in this place as far as the dubs are concerned! Is there an "alleged" pedophile there?

  • sizemik

    @Retrovirus . . . Lies to cover up lies? . . . sounds like their usual MO.

    @ScenicViewer . . . they seem to have painted themselves into a corner. The TMS and it's traditional function is well established history they will find hard to re-write . . . it's plastered all through their literature. Removing the sign and dropping the kid's talk will just seem like weak attempts at covering something up. It seems pretty naieve if that's what they're doing.

    @Azazel . . .

    Being in the same country i wonder if theres a connection or timing that this talk is being given

    Interesting point . . . It wouldn't be a suprise if there is a connection. If any were to employ such tactics . . . it could actually make things a lot worse for them. They would need close to 100% cooperation . . . a big risk on this issue.

    @wha happened? . . . I get the feeling they are stumbling through this a bit . . . kind of doing what's necessary and expecting it to all go away. I'm looking forward to the result also.

    @geevee . . . It seems there is more to come . . . I do know however, that Aust has a long standing child abuse problem among JW's . . . anything is possible and little will suprise.

  • finallysomepride

    Lots of bush fires down there, but the dumb bastards never created an effective fire service

  • Vidqun

    Is there going to be a change in terminology yet again? The Theocratic Ministry Gettogether? I think the word "school" is going to disappear. Just because they do not want to give to Caesar what belongs to him.

  • smiddy

    Does this mean they are going to take down every sign outside every KH that advertises meeting attendace times in victoria ?

    It does seem as though they are making it worse for themselves ( hopefully )


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