What's your take on the future of the Euro?

by darthfader 12 Replies latest social current

  • darthfader

    Treaty to Save Euro Takes Shape, but Britain Sits Out

    BRUSSELS — European leaders, meeting until the early hours of Friday, agreed to sign an intergovernmental treaty that would require them to enforce stricter fiscal and financial discipline in their future budgets. But efforts to get unanimity among the 27 members of the European Union, as desired by Germany, failed as Britain refused to go along.

    Importantly, all 17 members of the European Union that use the euro agreed to the new treaty, along with six other countries who wish to join the currency union one day. Two countries, the Czech Republic and Sweden, said they would want to talk to their parties and parliaments at home before deciding, said President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, but it seemed unlikely that Sweden would join. Hungary said it wanted to examine the details, leaving Britain isolated.

  • EndofMysteries

    the same way the usa financial system was hijacked by the creation of the 'federal reserve' which is a private company owned by unknown individuals, the same hijacking is about to happen to those European countries as they try to save the economy and create a bank which will have power over them, this is all merely another phase in the world domination scheme of things.

  • botchtowersociety

    Euro is doomed.

  • JeffT

    It's interesting to watch. The Europeans are now struggling with many of the issues that brought the Constitutional Convention together in 1787. How do you bind a number of states that consider themselves sovereign into a lasting union?

    At least they aren't dealing with slavery. I hope they avoid a civil war seventy years down the road.

  • darthfader

    If the Euro is doomed, what do you think that will do to/for the US dollar? It was only a few years back that everyone was pinning their hopes on the euro as becoming the global standard for currency, unseating the US dollar in the process...


  • botchtowersociety

    Well Cameron has told the Euroshits to go screw themselves. Sarkozy wouldn't even greet him. Lulz.

    If the Euro is doomed, what do you think that will do to/for the US dollar?

    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King.

  • metatron

    .I am afraid that the Euro will endure. I hope I'm wrong because of the price that will be paid for Euro-unity.

    I fear that Europeans are far too elderly and cowardly to fight against the painful austerity and loss of freedoms that their governments will demand. I fear that they will meekly comply. As it is, the political structure of Europe would be laughable, if it wasn't so tragic. There is no choice or alternative to vote for. If the Democratic Socialists lose support by supporting the Euro, the Socialistic Democrats will win election and nothing will change as the Euro-elites simply shift jobs.

    Please prove me wrong.


  • bohm

    Very exiting times! It seem that cameron wanted to do his usual routine and black-mail everyone for a pony, and Merkel told him to stick it.

  • Mickey mouse
  • llbh

    I am very disappointed, though not surprised, by Cameron, he Merkel and Sarkozy have behaved like teenage children squabbling.

    The European Union was created in the wake of WW2 with the encouragement and blessing of The Allies, including USA. There was " .. to be an ever closer union.." the point of which was to forestall the national and internecine wars that have bedevilled Europe for centuries, and it has worked. The Euro was and is a natural corollary of this binding together.

    About 50% of UK trade is with Europe, we are plain stupid to choose not to be in the rooms where decisions that affect our economy at the deepest level are made; sadly Cameron plays to his eurosceptic gallery, cheered on by the largely ill informed ( or is it informing?) right wing press with thier own translucent agenda. We will be like Switzerland whereby we have to conform with European laws with little, if any input. To say we are safeguarding our sovereignty is patently errant nonsense, if the markets choose to speculate against the pound our sovereignty is worth about an hour; that is it, I can not see that it is worth it.

    The problems with Euro are to do with dodgy politicians and banks not being honest with each other and a a supine electorate, that is now belatedly changing, the fiscal laws were there along , just not the implementation of them.


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