To All Lurkers--please read this---

by QuestioningEverything 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • QuestioningEverything

    I used to be just like many of you---I was scared to read/hear/see anything that didn't put the JW's in a positive light. I was raised as a witness and believed everything they taught wholeheartedly and 110%. Don't let other poster's or even the JW's discourage you from investigating the 'truth' about the Watchtower Society. He who has nothing to hide, hides nothing, right? All I can say to you is to read this website. Read JWFACTS.ORG. Read Crisis of Conscience.

    Below is the posting on my feelings of coming out of the JW's religion.

    A little over two years ago-June 2008- I began a journey of epic proportions. I didn't know at that time that my life would forever change. I came across this website while looking up Jehovah's Witnesses and 1975. At first, I was very nervous. You know, there were some anti-JW comments, what if the demons' overtook me while I was looking at it. I was scared to death to read Satanus post's just because of the name. lol No demon's possessed me!. But what did happen was that my whole life changed never to be the same again.

    At first, I was obsessed with this website and similar sites finding out all that I could about everything JW related. I read Crisis of Conscience. There was so much I did not know and it all seemed so clear once I had my blinders off. I couldn't believe that I had never seen it for what it was!! I was embarassed, angry and devastated by the 'real' truth. I cried daily for the first few weeks after my discovery.

    How could the WTBS mislead so many people? People that I love, respect and would die for-mom, sisters, friends, aunt's, cousin's. I believed all that I had been taught by them without question. Never again will I follow anything or anyone so blindly. It was a valuable lesson for me. I am an intelligent person and feel shame at how foolishly I followed them without a second thought. Never again!!!

    My life since that fateful month of June 2008 has been wonderful to say the least. I continued to investigate the JW's and share all I learned with my husband and kids. My husband was raised in a VERY strict JW family. He was out several years before me. I taught him some things about the JW's that he didn't know.

    We both feel as if a huge 20 ton boulder has been lifted off of our shoulders. We look forward to our kids going to college, to enjoying grandchilren(hope that doesn't happen for at least 10 years) and making plans for our retirement. We look forward to celebrating Christmas, Birthdays, Thanksgiving, etc. Our family life has improved tremedously and it was already a great life.

    We do not attend another church and have become agnostic. We respect other's beliefs but we are done with organized religion. We would like to visit some other churches just to see what they are like.

    I can't express how much better mentally I feel. I didn't realize how depressing it was to me to think the world was going to end and all the people I loved may or may not make it to the paradise; that everyone was evil and had bad intentions (they do not); that the world was getting worse every second(it is not); that I would have to make a choice about a blood transfusion one day(I tore up my blood card-decison made!); that I was so restricted on every aspect of life, movies, books, tv, clothing. I make good decisions that are balanced and fair without being told over and over by the WTBS what to do.

    So, for all of those who are lurking or are newbies, there is a whole life out there that is good. You will not become a drug addicted, alcoholic, sex crazed prostitute if you quit attending meetings or socialize with people outside of the WTBS. There are good and bad people everywhere-ultimately, you make the choice who to befriend. But I'm sure what you will find is that those that were considered 'worldly' are normal, hardworking, moral people-just like you and me.

    Thanks for all of your support and assistance on this website. I feel so grateful to have found it and hope others continue to benefit from it as I have.

  • ex360shipper

    Thanks for the heartfelt words QE.

  • Gayle

    Thank you for your post!! It is wonderful to hear how families as yours have been able to leave, in tact, and moved on such a positive way!! It is wonderful how ones now can easily (maybe a little fearfully at first) go on the internet and get the real facts. I hope more and more JWs suspecting they are not getting all the facts will investigate as you have done.

    I left before the Internet, but had a lot of contacts with others leaving, re-evaulating, re-researching. I never for one second regretting leaving the WTS of JWs.

    I know move on and leave this site eventually. I hope several as you remain on at least from time to time to help a little with encouragement for others, researching here and there.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Very well written and all so true.


  • justmom

    Hello question everything:

    You sound so familar. We too were raised in the organization and were very strong witnesses. my husband even started partaking at 30 years inside (in 1988) and in Dec 1997 the light went on and holy spirit led us out and everything we had been taught was turned upside down. (flip it) Instead of looking through the window at all other religions when you read let it be a 'mirror' for them. After all....they call themselves 'true Israel'..

    But is 'truly fulfillment of what we were raised to..."walk by faith not by sight" "Jah does NOT dwell in handmade temples" "Jesus said My sheep know MY voice and I lead them out" "He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me" (not the WTBS) and it is for ANYONE! "God is a spirit and we must worship him in Spirit and truth"...

    The challenge is.... Can we as Israel do this?? now that we may have been led up outta egypt and out in the wilderness? Can we allow ourselves to follow the 'cloud and pillar of fire'??

    Or will we murmer that it was much easier in Egypt (our lives were told what to do,eat,wear,watch etc..)

    Will we complain about the manna? (CHRIST?TRUTH) and become tired that we cannot "SEE" anything so we ask for a king (like Saul) or even build a golden calf again (the WTBS) and become slaves all over again.

    Remember our Lord is NOT delaying..It is us who tire out and choose to get distracted again. Faith is hard! He said is was!

    There is NO reason to search for any other building to worship through. Jaheshua is it! He is the one that will NEVER lie, mislead, or decieve us again! The call is out there from Him. He says "COME TO ME" those who are tired. He will lift that yoke and refresh you and take you in." His voice is loud and clear. But can we have faith to hear it?


    justmom (who gets distracted, lacks faith and is so grateful He never gives up on us!)

  • AGuest
    You will not become a drug addicted, alcoholic, sex crazed prostitute if you quit attending meetings or socialize with people outside of the WTBS.

    Sadly, that is more likely... and what often happens to... for those who stay IN, dear QE (peace to you!). I personally knew WAY more alcoholics, drug addicts, and "loose" folks (men AND women) when I was IN that organization than I have since coming out. (True, I knew a lot before I went in... which was one of their "appeals" - supposedly, nothing like that existed inside the WTBTS - but that's 'cause I grew up in the 'hood, and most of these were teenagers/young adults. Looking back on it, the JW kids were among the worse! The first girl I ever knew to get pregnant - 9th grade - was a JW kid).

    Anyway, yes, one of their "ploys" is the harping on about the "dangers" that exist outside of "Egypt" or "Jerusalem." What they forget is that regardless of what dangers existed out in the "wilderness", it was BETTER than what Israel received INSIDE Egypt... and regardless of what perils may have existed outside of Jerusalem... it was those who got OUT... and fled to the mountains... who got away safe.

    Death lurks INSIDE these "cities". Freedom lies OUTSIDE of them! Therefore, the admonitions are:

    "Get OUT of her... MY people!" and...

    "Separate yourselves andQUIT touching the unclean thing... and I will take you in... as sons and daughters!"

    Great post, dear one; I hope some lurkers are able to conquer their own fears as a result.

    Peace to you... and thank you for sharing that!

    A slave of Christ,


  • ziddina

    Thank you, Questioning Everything, for starting this thoughtful and comforting thread!!

    I hope that all newcomers read and appreciate your words of kindness and concern...

    Zid - the board's She-Devil...

  • QuestioningEverything

    Thank you all-- I hope that lurkers will read it and see that their life can improve outside the confine of the WTBS. It is amazing how much better my life and that of my family has become.

    Peace to you all, too!

  • truthseeker1969

    I think you will find here what I found, no judgement no forced system and true and genuine people.

    I was lost so badly and found this site and while there are some who have looped the loop a few times you will find the majority (vast) are deep thinking, heartfelt,true and genuine people, who have not turned evil nor tried to turn anyone against anything. Infact here I have found that people are encouraged to find what is best for them and go with it.

    Here is where you find people who are finally able to be honest without the fear of being labelled or the constant feel of big brother watching. Here you can be free to express opinion have a debate or just rant about that which bother you.

    I am happier since being on here "meeting" everyone, esp Blondie who I call the "librarian" as she seems to have the article and page and dissection of everything.

    Here is your family!

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Nice Thread

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