Why the hell do I feel like this suddenly?!?!

by freshstart 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • LostGeneration

    You miss the people. Go ahead and go. My bet is you will be wanting to get out of there before the morning is out.

    Content is king. WT content sucks.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The question wasn't: "Should I give in and attend the convention?"

    The question was: "Why do I feel like this?"

    Leaving gave the answer: Cult Mind Control

    It doesn't just go away with time apart from the cult. You need to understand what was done to you by the cult in order to deconstruct it and destroy the cult personality they created completely.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    hey i said that too with some fluff added

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    There are many good loving people in the org, wanting there company is natural.

    This. There are a LOT of good people in the organization. Granted they'll cut you off at the drop of a dime if you're considered damaged goods in the way of a DAing, or DFing, or even a marking, but that's part of the teritory when it comes to high control groups and cults. I did a thread a couple months back about being proud of being a JW, and that was just because I really did feel the love that day. There's some really good dudes in my congregation, and I would enjoy their company even if I wasn't, or they weren't JWs, and I'm not exactly Mr.Sociable, as I just don't hang out with anybody. Our congregation has had some positive changes lately too, and sometimes after the meeting it's like being at a party to some degree. I mean EVERYBODY is laughing and enjoying one another's company. We're a laid back congregation though, and although we have our share of conservative brothers and sisters, there's enough scenes in our congregation where you can disregard the stuffy types.

    We haven't been active for 2 years and it scares the hell out of me that I suddenly have a weakness to want to go to the convention? I know that Witnesses aren't "the only true religion" so why do I feel like this? I'm scaring myself!

    I think people can have good experiences at conventions and even assemblies. Some of the fondest memories I have as a young dude were at the conventions. Maybe it's because the mood at a convention or assembly is markedly lighter than it is at your average meeting. There's simply too many people present and too much going on at an assembly/convention, to be overly concerned about who is and who isn't a JW in good standing. Another thing is for those that have went inactive, or are studying, assemblies/conventions along with the Memorial, are seen as oppurtunities for so called weaker JWs to make an attempt at geting active again. The mood is lighter and more inviting or less disparaging for a JW in less than good standing to be more inclined to attend such where as they might have turned down going to their local congregation where everybody has an opinion of that person despite not even being familiar with the circumstances of their situation. I say what the hell man, go to the convention or the circuit assembly.

  • freshstart

    Thanks everyone. Although I must say that I've read mankelli's thread and I really wish he would just shut his hole and stop jacking everyone else's threads.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    he didn't TAKE over this one

    are you feeling better freshstart?

  • cofty

    "Memories may be beautiful and yet

    What's too painful to remember

    We simply choose to forget

    So its the laughter we will remember

    Whenever we remember - The Way We Were."

    Nothing wrong with a longing for the comfort of familiar things but those days are irrevocably gone. Our freedom is worth much more.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Sitting through a 'special assembly day' recently was excrutiating. Maybe by going, you'll realize how horrid it all is, and reaffirm your current position.


  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    Why are you here?

    You are here because only those who were JW's can understand your feelings.

    If you feel like going, go

    If you don't feel like going, don't go.

    I still go to an occasional meeting.

    I backslap with a few friends and then I go home.

    Look, I have a CA coming up in two weeks also and I'm going for one day.

    Hair is not going to grow on the back of your hands.

    No biggie, so don't sweat it.


  • sizemik

    You need to analyse WHY it is you want to go back . . .

    Is it for social reasons? curiosity? spiritual need?

    It doesn't just go away with time apart from the cult. You need to understand what was done to you by the cult in order to deconstruct it and destroy the cult personality they created completely. . . . Mad Sweeny

    This is true . . . some are able to see this easily . . . others not so much. Steve Hassans book(s) will help you deal with equivocation and the reasons for it. Dormant seeds can sprout if you don't turn over some soil.

    Once you have done this . . . returning to a KH or meeting will hold no real appeal . . . although attending is no longer "risky"

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