Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-04-2011 WT Study (RECREATION)

by blondie 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    outsider: excellent observation!

    "What possibly can be the result of protraying all the educators and other students as pagans who deserve to die......What kind of person will that child grow up to be?"

    For one thing, I would say that young JW is going to grow up being judgmental and lack a great deal of humility, sadly, which is how many an adult JW present themselves.

    Welcome, my friend.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thanks Blondie for all you do.


  • Rydor

    Didn't even read the article yet. I think I'm going to try to guess the main ideas just from looking at the title.

    All Christians need rest. God rested. Jesus and his disciples rested at times during his ministry.

    No matter what form of recreation you choose, make sure it does not interfere with "Kingdom" activities (matt 6:33)

    Satan will try to use recreation to stumble you. Avoid:

    Rap, Rock, any type of music or movies with "suggestive themes." Perhaps an account of a young witness who found his/her life was enriched after leaving behind that type of entertainment and then becoming a pioneer.

    Extreme life-endangering sports (skydiving, etc.) that show a lack of respect for life and our Creator

    INTERNET! Just. Stay. Away.

    Extra-curricular activities. Biblical accounts of Shechem/Dina, or maybe the Moabites inciting the Israelites to commit spiritual adultery. You know 1 Cor (15:33) has to be quoted somewhere in this article

    Kids you may be tempted to hang out with worldly kids because of there being no others your age in the congregation, or if there are they're too bizarre to hang out with. Why not befriend one of the older ones in the congregation? Surely you can benefit from their wealth of experiences in "The Truth." Hey it worked for David and Jonathan right?

    Best source of recreation? FIELD SERVICE! Hey remember the "light load" Jesus promised? So. Freaking. Refreshing!!!! Include quote from some non-existent publisher who says the most fun they've ever had is field service.

    Okay and for pictures....

    Pic of witnesses at a gathering dressed up in something only slightly less formal than meeting clothes. Perhaps someone has a guitar and kingdom songs are being sung

    Obligatory pic of some wild-looking rockstar or gangsta rapper.

    Pic of high school coach urging young JW to join the school sports team. The look on the kid's face suggests he's considering the offer. Cautionary caption beneath.

    Pic of the "friends" in field service having the time of their lives!

    Alright, now I'll go read it. Let's see how I did!

  • Rydor

    Okay, I give myself five points. Don't know if I was right about the pictures though. Hey this game is kinda fun!

    I can't believe they devoted an entire paragraph to driving home the point that "Different people will enjoy different types of recreation." Was this article written for pre-teens?

    I'm a little surprised field service wasn't mentioned at all, though perhaps they'll get to that in the follow-up article.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    "I’d be interested in any “counsel” you received from the elders, any elders who were avid fans in secret and hypocrites in public.I know several that have card parties at their homes….Super Bowl parties, etc."

    In our congregation 80% of the servant body (especially Elders) are avid fans and I would say bordering on passionate in the way they talk about sports and the top named athletes.

    Its' not unusal for many of them (Elders included) to take a night off from meeting just to attend a big game. The odd thing is that they are soo open about it. It's not like they keep it secret or private. Believe it or not, recently an Elder about to introduce the next part accidently mentioned a famous athlete by name instead of the brother whose part it was. As far as the Elder Body was concerned it was an innocent mistake! And its' like that through out the circuit.

    You want to talk about Super Bowl parties; I've been to my share of them (Elder sponsored). Thats' why the following openning comment of yours' caught my eye:

    "I always wondered why sports, pep rallies, and cheerleading were forbidden in school for jw children but jw elders, MS, etc., had season tickets to football, basketball, etc."

    There is such a hypocrisy among JWs. It is as though the Elders & the GB are telling our youth 'do as we say, not as we do' when it comes to youth and sports.

    Blondie, this is just another example of "you know what's what" about this religion! Thank you for your insight.

  • ilikecheese

    I must have missed out on the part of the Bible where Jesus outlined expressly how free time was meant to be spent. And there must be at least, like, 317 other commandments I didn't know about. Moses must have fallen asleep when God was sharing.

    Haha thanks for the post. I can't believe lives are this controlled...

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    That article pretty much eliminates almost everything so if your out in service and you happen to see a bird fly by or gaze at a flower on your way to a door that constitutes recreation/entertainment and you will be completely refreshed for "kingdom interests"

    The jw's I knew didn't follow that "counsel" Stuff like that causes people to lead conflicted lives. They go to the meeting and act like all that's true and than go home put on tv sports or go on cruises and play around which is fine but it's not mentally healthy to live like that.

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks so much for the review Blondie......I guess the lesson is spend all of your time in JW activity and with JWs and you will be fine. Wife went yesterday, will be interesting to see how much she gained from this 'spiritual food'.

  • insearchoftruth

    And I guess next week my wife will find out why she should not have married me. She should have chosen someone 'In the truth' or stayed single.....


    12 So, then, when it comes to spending

    time on recreation, we do well to count the

    cost in advance. (Luke 14:28) We need to determine

    how much of our time a certain leisure

    activity will cost. Next, we must decide

    how much of our time it is worth. If pursuing

    a form of recreation will mean neglecting

    such important activities as personal

    Bible study, family worship, attending

    Christian meetings, or sharing in Kingdom

    preaching, it is not worth the price. (Mark 8:

    36) But if an occasional leisure activity energizes

    us to keep on pursuing Kingdom interests,

    we may well decide that the time we

    spend on that type of recreation is worthwhile.


    Quoting Mark 8:36 in this context is another way of saying that only Jehovah's Witnesses who are meeting all the requirements listed here by the douches in Brooklyn will be saved ;(


    Thanks for your brilliant analysis each week Blondie!!


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