GB Backgrounder Information

by 00DAD 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 00DAD

    Does anybody know how to find out specific details about the current GB members, such as:

    • Education
    • Employment History
      • Bethel or related
      • Secular
    • Military experience
    • Marriage(s)
    • Criminal and/or civil convictions
    • Family background:
      • Children
      • Family members that are JWs
    • Religious Background
    • How they "came into the Truth"
    • Theocratic record:
      • When Baptised
      • Positions held
      • Judicial matters - were any of them every reproved or DF'd
    • Notable talents, skills or accomplishments
    • Qualifications - What, if anything, specifically and uniquely qualifies them to be a GB Member
      • Please, do NOT say, "Holy Spirit appointed them!"
    • Any other similar items of interest

    Virtually every other organization on earth puts out at least a "for public consumption" bio or resume sketch. But it's curiously lacking concerning these men that ostensibly lead God's Visible Organization on Earth!

  • Iamallcool

    I was told that Guy Pierce attended his judicial committee meeting, but he did not get any judicial action. Ask Barbara Anderson. She knows about it.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    This info is not available? A pr person could stretch a lot of stuff to make them seem competent and knowledgeable. Again, the complete lack of transparecy as a continuing theme in all matters. God works by magic.

    I was thinking how my relatives had a lot of impunity by knowing whom to call at Bethel for backup. Contrast someone who has insider info vs. someone who has no idea. There should not be insiders and outsiders in a religious body. Truth should not depend on inside info. knowledge.

  • 00DAD

    BOTR - Yes, I agree. In his book, Releasing the Bonds, Steven Hassan wrote, "A good place to start looking for information about the destructive potential of a group is at the top. You should ask: Who is the leader(s)? What are their credentials?" Etc ... (p. 94)

    I have come to understand that this is one (of the many) hallmarks of a destructive, high-control cult: the lack of transparency about important information regarding the qualifications and activities of the leadership.

    In retrospect, it's amazing that so many people follow these bunch of yahoos. As far as I can tell, they have no adequate qualifications to be running a major world religion. But come to think of it, many--if not most--religious leaders are self-proclaimed gurus.

    Similarly, the fact that there is no disclosure, even to baptized, dedicated JWs, about the financial activities of any of the branches or of the World Wide Work is quite telling to. It always struck me as hypocritical that each congregation reads an accounts report to the publishers every month, but the US Branch NEVER disclosed ANYTHING about its financials. Why is that? One can only wonder, but it certainly makes me think they have something(s) to hide!

    Iamallcool - Thanks, I'll ask her.

  • 00DAD

    So there is a maybe-not-too-surprising dearth of information of any kind--good or bad--about these leaders of "God's Spirit Directed Visible Organization".

    There are third-hand, unconfirmed allegations of "one member of the GB who beat up his former wife" that, at least for the present, cannot be substantiated. Not that the sources are unreliable; they are. It's just not confirmable. (See the post by AndersonsInfo in the above linked thread.)

    Other than that, pretty much everything about them is locked away in a mysterious black-box not open to public inspection, not even to dedicated, baptized JWs! Not exactly confidence inspiring.

    Hmmmmm ...

  • Gayle

    I would specifics like:

    were any raised in as a child (how many had an active JW father/elder),,went to public school, facing being sent to principal's office/or other location during holiday parties, truly gave up organized sports (if any were truly good at it),,etc. - since they have no problem taking away the normal youth of the youth?

    truly gave up a confirmable scholarship for college?

    how old were they when they got baptized?

    How long ago did they really ever have a secular job? decades ago?

    only a few had a biological son or two? none had a biological daughter?

    how many, in all, have actually been on the GB, about 30 or so? how never married?

  • wobble

    "How many are in any way, normal?"

  • 00DAD

    OK, so we're getting some more good questions. But, aside from an intriguing albeit un-confirmable allegation, we're not getting any hard facts.

    Is it really not possible to find out anything about these guys? Anything? Why not?

  • wannabefree

    Of course the answer from the Organization is ... our leader is one, the Christ, we have no leaders, Christ's credentials are in the Bible

    The GB are not leaders, they are humble servants taking the lead, by following their lead, you are following your one and only leader, Christ. :)

  • james_woods

    Fixed it for ya -

    The GB are not leaders, they are humble servants taking the lead, by following their lead, you are following your one and only leader, YHWH :)

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