Do you get constant "digs" by JWs that still talk with you?

by skeeter1 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShirleyW

    So tell this sibling to leave your house and go stay at THEIR house, case closed.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi skeeter1. How about ask them, "Is that what you believe is important in life: a big house, new car, etc.?", pause, "I value love, friendship, compassion, a loving wife and family, etc. I am glad that (whoever) is doing well, and I wish you were doing as well instead of still living with your parents."

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,



    Good Morning Skeeter..

    Your missing a very important point..

    The person who is comparing you to those with more..Has nothing..

    Maybe if she gets Off her Ass..She can do as well as you..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • JRK

    Tell her she sound like she is focused on material things.

    I have a sister like that, I aam glad she shuns me. If she didn't, I would her!

    The comment about the children was totally uncalled for. Tell her she could have a kid, if she wasn't such a fridged biotch.


  • lonestar63

    The materialistic comments are typical stupid witness chatter.

    The comment about your child went across the line, and I'm afraid if that had been my sibling he would have been tossed out on his ass rather roughly......

    My Mom once said to me, and i quote: "Son, you need to come back to the Kingdom Hall, because i really want you to be in the New System with me. I wasn't sure where to go with this. Shouldn't she want me back at the hall to get close to God again??? Kind of getting ahead of herself presuming she would without fail get there, despite several really bad things she hid from the brothers.

    I remember being in field service in very nice neighborhoods, listening to them talk about which one of the beautiful houses they would take after Armageddon, and the horrible worldy people that actually owned them were destroyed.

    Oh My....

    Typical stupid Witless chatter

  • ziddina

    Skeeter, it almost sounds as if your JW relative is trying to drive a wedge between you and your also-successful NON-JW relative...

    I'm sure nothing would make him happier, than to see the "worldlings" have a spat and "fall out" with each other, thereby "proving" the Watchtower Corporation's arrogant assertion that only "THEY" have "true" peace emanating from "god"...

    And as you surmised, there is most assuredly ALSO quite a bit of jealousy - er, envy - at work in your JW relative's mind, too...

    But Wow!! So many good responses to choose from!!

    I especially liked New Chapter's response - throwing the Jehovah's Witness' self-righteous snobbery right back into her teeth...

    Skeeter, your response about JW relative moving into the "worldly" relative's house instead of yours, after "Armageddon" - was priceless!!

    I REALLY liked Bohm's response - it had TEETH!!

    "Yes it must be nice with the extra space, I would go absolutely crazy if I had to live at home with my parents; my spouse and I feel so bad for you. ..."

    And as several posters have stated, your JW sibling is just mouthing the Watchtower Corporation's usual cult-think blather...


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