New Field Service Policy - jw's assigned to neighborhoods

by skeeter1 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    I am looking for confirmation on the following:

    JWs are now being individually assigned to smaller territories, and they are told to consistently work that same territory over & over again. The reason is that the Watchtower wants the JWs to build relationships with the people in that area. Perhaps the first time, the householder will not want a bible study. But, the hope is that the householders will get to recognize and then start a conversation with a more familiar JW.

    Have you heard of this? What are your thoughts?

    My thought was that this idea reminded me of when NYC put police on the streets to follow a particular beat.

    Also, the JWs will feel more responsibility to cover their area. As it is now, I surmise JWs are inactive as they may think that other JWs will cover their slack.


  • Joliette

    It wouldnt surprise me at all. Theres an active J-dub down the street from my house, and she's constantly witnesses to people in my area. I was actually thinking about doing a little 'witnessing' of my own. More like informing people on how to stop Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, Skeeter:

    Years ago I recall a comment in one of the publications that we should become friends to the people in our territories. What followed I cannot remember, but the premise you make leads to neighborhoods developing a greater familiarity with returning JWs and, perhaps, a willingness to open their doors and their hearts ...



  • EmptyInside

    They did mention something about a personal territory at the zone meeting,and also encouraged publishers to work alone more often. But,as far as I know,the Witnesses are still doing field service the same way. But,I don't think it's very smart,especially for women,to work by themselves,especially if no one is with them. Plus,what woman is going to open her door to a man she doesn't know. It helps when the "brothers" have a "sister" with them.

  • Quarterback

    I remember that plan twenty years ago in a KM. That fell by the wayside.

  • Gayle

    Years ago, a circuit overseer made everyone work alone that week. Several sisters came to me that they didn't like to work alone. I told them not to worry, that the next week we can all work together again and then everyone did work together after he left.

  • skeeter1

    The person who told me of this "new" arrangement is a woman. At first, she made it sound like she'd be working alone. So, I asked her specifically if she was going to be working alone. She then said that she wouldn't because she was concerned for her own safety "in this day & age." I don't care if it was 1850, there was still murderers and rapists, and it wouldn't be a good idea for anyone, male or female to work a territory alone.

    I think the householders are wise to the Jehovah's Witnesses. The Internet provides too much information and, even if they were wondering what the JWs (or Scientologists) were about, they'd find out the information and not partake. Just because you know the snake, doesn't mean it will not bite you!


  • silver rhino
    silver rhino

    It just amazes me how bible language is changed to suit the goals of the org. Some things are "interpreted" and "enforced" exactly as the scriptures read. While others are and can be twisted at will.

    My point: The scriptures explicitly say that Jesus sent them out 2 by 2. Not individually! And yet he said that this preaching of the good news would still be accomplished!

    But the org. thinks they know better than Jesus. Their track record shows they have no concern for the safety of their followers.

    First hand experience. When I was in, my ex wife was doing door to door by herself, at the direction of circus overseer. In an apt. building, was attacked by man we later found out to be a registered sex offender. Fortunately for her she was a bigger,strong woman and able to fight him off and get away. Comments by the bros. 'Good thing you had the help of the angels.'


  • ScenicViewer

    I don't care if it was 1850, there was still murderers and rapists, and it wouldn't be a good work a territory alone.

    Even in the First Century Jesus sent people out "two by two." (Mark 6:7)

    Considering that, wouldn't it be "going beyond what it written" to go alone routinely? (1Cor 4:6)

    Edit: Oops! Sorry Silver Rhino, you beat me to the 2x2 idea!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I think there was mention made of this at the recent Zone Meeting that took place in October (last month). I think it was covered by the elderly looking, used-up GB member Gerrit Loesh in his last part.

    Hey skeeter1, this sounds like another practice of the Mormons that the JW's are wanting to copy, much like the 'Family Worship Night'.

    This is basicaly the method of operation of the Mormon Missionaries in how they cover their territory. I see the same 2 Mormons constantly in our neighborhood doing RVs and so on. And this has been the Mormon custom for years!

    For a religion that supposedly is being led by Holy Spirit, the WTBTS sure are a bunch of 'Copy Cats'!

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