JW Pedophile sentenced in my courtroom today....

by diana netherton 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ScenicViewer

    @ Diana N,

    Do you know if there has been news coverage of this? Perhaps a newspaper article?

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Yes. It's on lancasteronline.com

    It's under the heading, Mount Joy Man sentenced for Sex Crimes...

    Unfortunately, the writer failed to mentioned that he's a JW. I am good friends with her sister. I wonder if

    I should say something.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    That poor child I hope he can learn to heal in time. As for the monster who did this, he got off lightly in my opinion. I just hope he gets his just desserts in jail. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

  • serenitynow!

    So the wife walked in on the abuse & did nothing? What is it with these people who witness a horrible crime against a child and just walk away? How do you not just go berserk and start beating the abuser's ass? This is such a terrible story.

  • JRK
  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Thanks for posting the link. I am having computer issues today!

  • NewChapter

    I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster."

    I just don't think that word means what he thinks it means.

    And the wife walked in-----years ago. Apparently this is becoming quite common--I can't even digest it. It just bounces off of me. I can't even imagine walking away and doing nothing.


  • AvocadoJake

    Why did the wife not report this monster, the mystery of the human mind.

    Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage shows signs of sympathy, loyalty or even voluntary compliance with the hostage taker, regardless of the risk in which the hostage has been placed. The syndrome is also discussed in other cases, including those of wife-beating, rape and child abuse.

  • Quandry

    After each abuse session he read scriptures to the boy....well, wasn't he following the WTS direction of taking advantage of every opportunity to witness informally? Maybe that's why the JW family felt it was O.K. to support him in the courtroom. I feel that the wife is just as guilty because she could have stopped the abuse, but covered it over.

  • Quarterback

    The story said that "Camara" was abused himself when he was younger. There is more story here, that makes me wonder.

    Was he sexually abused by JW relatives, himself? Who knows. I know that JW's wouldn't encourage him to seek counselling, but he should have. There are many that don't seek counselling because of the shame, and unsettling experience this experience was in their life.

    He was a MS...wow that is unsettling. Imagine how people looked up to him as an example. He gave talks in the KH and was held in high esteem over the simple microphone carriers. But, Jah had inspired his recommendation. Holy Spirit was present when he received that appointment. You wish. What insanity we allow in our faith.

    This is so disgusting, and so shamefull.

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