What is the actual PRODUCT being sold by Jehovah's Witnesses??

by Terry 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    "Join our JW Cult or Die!"


    ........................... ...OUTLAW


    JW Pioneer Grandma wants to know..

    "Would you like to live forever in Paradise as a JW?"


    "Would you like to D ie?"

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • moshe

    The more loyal the JW was to doing things the WT way, the worse their retirement will be. Yes, they are vultures- and social parasites, too!- since all their non-JW neighbors are as good as dead, they see no point in volunteering to make society a better place to live. BUT, they will gladly suck up all the good they can from this system, feed off the labors of others and use every program caesar provides them. Just don't ask them to be good citizens. JWs are selling an Armageddon, end of the world, bunker make out of paper mache WT and Awake magazines- just don't examine it's integrity closely.

  • Alfred

    grass-eating lions and pandas..

  • journey-on

    They sell snake oil. Whatever ails you, their product can remedy.

  • Terry

    I believe the Watchtower product is the DARK NOISE OF THE EYE.

  • jam

    Products are just stuff, and represent nothing of

    value on their own. It is first when they are

    introduced to A situation ( or context) of importance

    to A customer they become valuable. It is the situation

    surrounding the product that is important, and it,s in

    this situation companies are real experts at adding

    great value.

    JW,s are experts in this, for over 100 yrs. they

    have restructured thier marketing plans to keep

    up with the market. For over A 100 yrs. look at

    what they have been marketing. Worthless publications

    that cost pennies to produce and in return receive

    millions . I do not know what is the actual product

    being sold, but you have to admitt, they have A

    hell of A marketing plan (selling products that no

    one reads), A worthless product.

  • NewYork44M

    When you develop an ad campaign you need to have the product that gets you in the store. That may not be the product that you really want to sell.

    When McDonalds spends millions of dollars advertising their 99 cent meal items, do you really think they want you to come in and spend 99 cents.

    No, they use that to get you in and then - super size you.

    It is no different than the watchtower, they advertise the magazines and everlasting life. What they really want to sell is a life time of committment... and beyond.

    Once you are in there is a push to get you to turn your estate over to the society. I remember going with the PO to have a shepherding call on an old lady. I was shocked (and embarrassed) that the whole conversation was about her will and why it was important to include the society.

    Sis Braden would have none of that - god bless her.

  • trueblue
  • Jeffro

    There are many useless products sold on television in 'infomercials', from cookware to exercise machines to sleevy blankets, that are generally cheaply made but touted as 'superior'. The marketing technique is generally the same: present an otherwise simple task as an onerous drudgery that can 'only' be 'avoided' by buying the piece of crap in question.

    The JW religion is not much different, except they present normal life as the 'onerous drudgery' that can 'only' be 'avoided' by signing up to their 'product'.

    In both cases, the techniques play on fear and pride.

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