I didn't marry a "pagan" said my wife

by NVR2L8 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • NVR2L8

    18 months ago when I told my wife that I no longer believe the WT teachings and that I had attended my last meeting, she said that everything would change because she didn't marry a "pagan". So after a short moment I told her that I understood her reaction, but this would be the only time I would not act on such a comment - the next time I would simply pack up and leave.

    Isn't it strange that the one who is supposed to be in the "truth" is the one who is ready to forfit our marriage, when in fact the bible tells Christian spouses to remain with their unbelieving mate? When I decided to no longer follow the WT it never came to my mind to leave my wife...my decision had nothing to do with our marriage...it had to do with an organization that mislead us. I didn't threaten her to leave if she remained a JW....although I wish that one day she will see the WT for what it is.

    In the first few months after I stopped the meetings it seemed like my wife had a boost of zeal for meeting attendance and service, which was surprising since I always had to take the lead and encourage her to go out in service. But now, things are much better in the sense that she is back to her "normal" level of activity and meeting attendance and she doesn't bother me with any JW business and no longer shares thing that are happening to the "friends". So I am hopeful that I can avoid what many others have experienced because their spouse didn't want to live with a "pagan".

  • TheListener

    Good luck.

    My marriage has survived despite the fact that my wife remains a JW. We don't discuss religious things. Well, not JW religious things. We've developed an unspoken rule not to discuss how ridiculous the JW religion is or how important it is for me to get back to the fold before the end. So far so good.

  • Twitch

    Does the chicken or the goat's blood go better with beef? I always forget. A toast to the only biblical pagan god I remember, Baal!!

    Seriously, I have no advice of any merit or opinion of any substance to offer. Just saying...

  • shepherd

    "Does the chicken or the goat's blood go better with beef"

    I would think a JW would be happier if it was the blood of the Lamb...

  • Twitch

    "Yes, dear, the lamb's blood does go better with this meat in due season. You can't partake though, silly. Please pass over the unleavened bread and the Satan if you would be so kind..."

  • truth_b_known

    If I am not mistaken, the origin of the word "pagan" simply means "country dweller".

    Also, the evil empire has counselled it's followers against name-calling. Even calling someone "worldly" has been prohibitted, but I'm sure it has never been enforced. After all, how else does one make themselves feel superior without name calling?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    My wife hasn't called me "a pagan" yet, but she has already said that sometimes I sound like an apostate.

    I said I don't consider myself an apostate- I think of myself as more of a heretic. She just laughed.

    Ive also asked whether any of the "apostate" things I have mentioned were false. She really could only agree.

    In the end, what I think spouses and family members fear the most of pagans and apostates is their own deep-seated lack of faith- either in JWs or god altogether.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Wedding rings have Pagan and mythical Greek origins, does she wear one?. Keep your cool now ok. Wish you all wish for yourself, and hope one day your wife wakes up as you did.

  • Ding

    Glad to hear things have settled down.

    I hope it doesn't worsen as the WTS intensifies its lambasting of "apostates."

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