JWs Depression and Suicide

by 00DAD 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • trueblue

    My brother I knew he needed someone to show him that they cared and I had just read in the daily bible reading that Jw's would help out there fellow beleivers when they hear that they are in trouble and I remembered that my brother had bragged about this perticular elder so I told that elder and asked him to call him so that he would feel better and the elder said that he would and I give him my brothers phone number but the elder never called him and a couple of weeks later my brother comitted suicide. My brother could make as much money anyone could want so I know money was not his problem, I do not know what the Jw's did to him or what brought him down for sure while was with them, but he was one of the most outgoing strongest willed people anyone could have ever known everyone that new him was totally shocked.

  • talesin

    I've told this story before, but for the thread, here.

    When I was 17, I went to 'serve where the need was greater' in another province. There was a large group of us, all around 17-19 YO, that hung out and pioneered together. One of the guys was the son of a single mom; his dad had abandoned them when he was very young. Mom was a staunch JW. Back then, I didn't even really know what 'gay' meant. "M" was a bit flamboyant. He didn't live with mom, but had a room downtown.

    He was found by someone who went looking for him as he hadn't been seen for a few days. Hung himself. I don't remember the details, as I have a memory block on this, and became very sick at the same time. After I recovered a few months later, I was told he left a note. He was gay, and a cross-dresser. He felt that if he 'came out', he would lose everything (true).

    RIP "M"


  • trueblue

    Knew this one JW that was always getting DFed, as I could see it the congo had someone to pick on and it was him. H ewalked out in front of a train, I believe the story: it was not suicide, but I think the congo always had him so depressed that he wasn't paying attention, and was hit by the train.

  • DaCheech

    One of my best friend JW, blew his brains out with a gun 1 year after his divorce.

    There are probably 4-6 in my congo (including close family members) that have constant panick attacks.

    many have that robot/long face............ you know there's alot going on in their family.

    and on top of that god's people are 1/2 divorced

    happy, happy, happy.............. happiest people on earth

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    NC: Boy, I've heard some similar comments from elders, mostly older ones. Such mysoginistic, outdated ideas.

    3rdgen: Thanks.

    What's sad is that many JWs who come across these posts, depressed or not themselves, will assume we're all liars or we didn't rely on god's Org ebough. *sigh*

  • freshstart

    A dear friend of mine, one whom I knew since we were 6 years old, shot himself in the head a few months after his baptism. He was only 24. When his sister found him, he was surrounded by Watchtowers and the NWT and there was a note saying something to the effect that he couldn't live up to Jehovah's standards. A few weeks back, a sister I know in a local congregation took an entire bottle of sleeping pills. My brother, a sheriff's deputy, received the call that she was missing and he found her face-down in the woods near her house, barely breathing. She left a note saying she would never be good enough for Jehovah. Thankfully she survived, but damn what a shame! My other brother attempted suicide a few years back and I was on the verge myself a few years ago (before leaving the Borg). An elder in my old congregation, his first wife threw herself off a building after many years of battling depression. There was a brother in a nearby congregation who used to be best friends with my oldest brother. His wife found him hanging in their boathouse. He had been there for a while

  • EmptyInside

    There was a suicide here this past year. His family/wife were all Witnesses. He was semi-active.

    I suffered from depression for years. And many Witnesses felt that you were lacking something spiritually to get to that state. One Circuit Overseer,made the statement that if you're depressed,try visiting an old age home. I saw his point,but it was a callous statement. People who are depressed don't want to be.

    I think the organization is trying to come off that they are being more sympathetic to depressed ones. But,I think the other publishers,especially the old timers feel everyone should be heartless and tough as nails.

    I was talking to two sisters one Sunday,and they both were on two different types of medications for depression. One was the C.O.B.E.'s wife.

    But,I also think the Witness lifestyle can not only be exhausting,but it keeps you from your dreams. Life can become a rote routine if one is not careful. Plus,it's all about keeping up appearances. And everyone thinks everyone else's family is perfect. And it can make one feel they don't measure up.

    And Witnesses are quite judgemental and harsh on one another. And if you're not in one of the clicks in the Kingdom Hall,and if you don't associate with non-Witnesses,it's pretty lonely.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Wow, all these experiences are heartbreaking. The pressure exerted on JWs is intense to say the least. I know have a dear friend who had been a pioneer for 17 yrs. She told me she would cry every Monday morning at the thought of having to spend another week in service. So much for the 'joy' JWs are supposed to feel. As said by others in this topic, no one is EVER doing enough.

    I, too, have had many experiences with panic attacks (even to the point of going to the hospital, thinking I was having a heart attack) and will probably have to be medicated for the rest of my life. Would these problems be so severe had I not been raised 'in the truth'? I sincerely doubt it. When I needed mental help, my parents called the elders, who in all reality, tried to help, to the best of their limited ability. My parents should have had enough back-bone to defy the Society at the time and gotten me the professional help I so desperately needed. It makes me very angry at all the years wasted as I struggle in early puberty through my twenties and early thirties with debilitating mental illness.

    So much sadness in so many. Such a waste.


  • fresia

    I know of three in the past two years, two in my KH and another of a friend who was DF. And I know for a fact that JW see psychologists on a regular basis, one group is a whole family. JW are not getting the help they need within the org, or from the magazines.

    One reason I believe that mental illness and unhappiness is rife in the org, is because the feelings of worthlessness, not do enough, never being able to please and being judged by the hours ones put in, the WT religion is an abuse controlling one, that effects lots of JW in the long run, many being told they will never grow old and die, finding themselves fifty forty yrs later having to work even longer to support themselves.

    The GB of JW should be taken to court, I wish someone could some how sue the pants of these crazy rulers, for misleading lying and abusing the many innocent JW that in all good faith thought they were doing the right thing. How many have died because of their nutty rules on organ transplants for one. Some JW no doubt have a chemical imbalance and this religion wouldn't help while other develop depression because of the religion and its control on their lives. Alcohol abuse is not uncommon with in either. The only ones that seem content are those that have high positions and get glory, or are looked up to, these include bethelites, lawyers, and of course the infamous GB, elders have a lot on their hands, and are usually the fall guys when things go wrong. There is obiously corruption in this religion, but at the end of the day what goes round comes round, or if you spit at the wind it will come right back at you.

    Some JW know its not the truth or they have very strong doubts, but are trapped because of family, some being in the relgion from birth and generations of JW in the family. It is very sad, and we should not look down on those that are suffering rather we should pray for them.

    It is a business and an abusive religion based on fear and control and money.

  • bigmouth

    I've posted elsewhere on suicides and depressed ones and my own long term hospitalization is a matter of public record.

    One I've not related before is the mother, of an elder (C.)who was very good to us during a more severe time of my depression when I was in and out of hospital regularly.

    She was a very reserved English woman living by herself a couple of doors from C. She had the appearance of a woman who had seen hard times and coming into the Truth had turned out not to be a panacea for her.

    She had died in her bed overnight. She had taken a mixture of medication and alcohol. The ambulance officer said it had clearly been suicide. C. kept this detail from his fellow Elders and the funeral was held at the KH.

    Very sad. Very lonely

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