Feels like papa is in limbo

by TimothyT 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TimothyT

    Dad called me yesterday and told me that today he went to his first meeting in 6 months. He told me that some brothers went up to him and told him that he they are glad to see him. He said that he was happy to see them and not so happy to see some others. He said that those who had a hand in disfellowshipping me and those who are at the moment shunning me, my dad had no time for.

    He only stayed for the talk which was about love. He said that it was so hypocritical as they were talking about that love from John 13:34-35 and at the same time shunning his son. When he called me, he said, where is the love in that?

    I dont know you know... for my dad, i feel that it may take some time for him to completely detach himself from this religion. He doesnt believe it and he loves reading the bible. He understands almost all the positions that the organisation take on everything having been an elder for 10 years. However, i feel he is having difficulty with the fact that the brothers will miss him. I told him that the way he is speaking however is not good for him. He is ALWAYS talking about them. Im happy to listen, but our conversations these days revolve only around JWs. I have said to him a few times that i think he needs to move on now and forget them. Easier said than done. I know he doesnt feel its the truth, but at the same time he is like me: he wants to go to a church to feel like he can learn something new about the bible and about Jesus. He also likes the whole Christian community of showing love to others and helping them out. If there is one thing the org do offer him, its the chance to help out other people who are in need. I think thats a very admirable reason for him to want to stay. However, i dislike the war going on in his head. I think we can all understand that. I certainly can.

    As time progresses, i dont care whatsoever anymore, my brother has just decided that he will never go again and my dad is contemplating his future as a JW, i think sometime soon we will be allowed to live our lives happily and without having to look over our shoulders or worry what a certain organisation will think of us.


  • cantleave

    He also likes the whole Christian community of showing love to others and helping them out...

    Timothy - why do you associate this behaviour with the Christian community? Christians certainly do not hold the monopoly on showing genuine love and concern. Infact atheist Humanists seem pretty good at it too....

    Anyway you dad seems to be making good progress.

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