Are you sure joining or staying is a wise decision? Lurkers think twice. Part 1

by NewChapter 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • designs

    'Now That We Found Love What Are We Going To Do With It' O'Jays

  • Shanagirl

    NC, Thank you for this topic. WT truly is a religious cesspool. I walked away after being in for 30 years and raised my family in it. Thankfully, we all got out as an intact family, yet the cesspool tried to pull us back into their murky "waters". I could tell you some of the worst stories.. but I want to remain anonymous and free of their evil.


  • NewChapter

    Shana! You got your family out with you. That is the best news. I'm truly happy for you. Feel free to pm if you'd like. I'm glad you're free. I'm glad we are all free, even those that are still trapped in the quagmire, because the are free in mind.


  • NewChapter

    Oh, crap...

    And now the poor child is being browbeaten into being a member of the very cult that killed his mother... Being deprived of a normal childhood, a chance to go to college, opportunities to obtain decent employment and a secure financial future

    Don't cry Zid. The child's father was not a JW!

  • sizemik

    When you leave, the things most worthy of fear are the things you've left behind . . . not the road that lies ahead.

    The WTS would have you believe the world is evil and rotten . . . when the very opposite is closer to the truth.

    @Shanagirl . . . it was 30 yrs for me and my family also, and we also survived intact . . . and have bad stories as well. We have a few things in common.

  • AvocadoJake

    NC, what happens when your family that are in the truth are evil? When your friends are conditional, to remain in their love, they weigh you each month with the field service report scales.

    If Time is greater than or equal to 10, friendship and social functions continue.

    If your time is less than 10 hours, friendship is weighed on the basis if you are sick, and you are personally 'marked' until you get back in line.

    If your time remains under 10 hours or moves to 0, "You are now weak, a posible threat that can infect them, friendship is tappered off greatly."

    If you become inactive, "you are weak and unworthy of Christ's love, and will be part of the Vultures Evening Meal, you are fowl fodder."

  • JAFO

    As I have said more than once on this forum:

    "There is no greater freedom than being able to think and act in a way that is authentically YOU!"

  • noni1974

    Does leaving magicly make a life better?? No it also takes work and self determination to make it better. However, having the freedom to live your life the way you want to without emotional blackmail and sprituial abuse for not meeting some man made goals and thinking for yourself is very empowering. Group think is a very dangerous thing and JW's have a lot of group think going on. The fact the the WTS is now demanding that its followers only read their books, listen to the goverening body as if they were god himself, and keep buying themselves time should tell anyone what they are about. They are a racket and a snare and getting away from them is the best thing I ever did for myself. My family is very happy to be told what to do, think, and feel, so leaving them behind was not that hard. Not to mention the fact that my family is very involved with everyone else's business and I had to leave in order to have my own life.

    All in all my life could be better, but I'm working on it. I'm in school and oneday I hope to have the life I dreamed of. For now I'm happy with what I have.

  • wasblind

    I left before I was baptised, and as I continue to read the bible, the stuff in their literature just

    don't add up, they are so bombarded with placing mags,that they don't have time to read this

    junk and really examine it,

    So I examine this junk for 'em, and let the chips fall where they may, cause they are the

    ones comin' to my door interuptin' my mornin' cup 'o joe, tryna push this twisted mess back in

    my face,

    I don't go out searchin' for them, tryna show them how wrong they are, but when they come to

    my door and cross my threshold, it's on

  • ziddina

    Heeey! Hi, WasBlind!! [waves!!]

    You've got a PM!! You've got a PM!!!

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