A Moment Of Truth For 'Illuminati' Types!

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Sometimes I post here because I don't know where else I should post, as to odd or unusual ideas. So, here goes:

    There seem to be quite a lot of people on the internet who zealously believe that the world is covertly ruled by some conspiracy or Masonic Lodge or Bilderberg group or intelligent Reptiloid Aliens who dress up as the British Royal Family ( I imagine an alien complaining, 'why do I have to be Queen Elizabeth?'). In other words, a bunch of Powerful People who control everything.

    Well, it seems to me that we are approaching a moment in which we will see just how much control any such group really has. Greece may drift into street riots and anarchy that denies austerity and Screws Over The Big Banks and All The Euro-Freaks. They might walk away from their debts and all else and get away with it.

    Try and fit that outcome into your secret world rulers scenario. Having known a few powerful, rich men and shared a few drinks with them, I concluded that they are just as ignorant, blind and clueless as anyone else - they just are good at pretending otherwise. And it looks like they can't control the streets of Athens or much else.


  • Snoozy

    I believe there is a 'elite group' that really controls the world/government.. I think they know who will even be president in the future and they make things happen.l. I think voting and laws are all a useless coverup..just there to appease the public.

    I think some of what the Illuminati stands for is true in that sense..

    I really feel the ones with the big bucks..control the world..and they go out of their way to appear as if they don't..

    Those are the ones with the real power.


  • littlerockguy

    I believe that people that Taylor Caldwell wrote about years ago exists. I don't refer them to the "Illuminati" but I know they exists

    This passage in her book Captains And The Kings intrigued me when I first read it

    Rory knew that the Committee for Foreign Studies had some three hundred members in nearly every country in the world, all bankers or industrialists, politicians and financiers, and that they had meeting places in every capital and that those meetings were discreet and unostentatious and that the general public was unaware of them. The meeting place in London was an old and decorous mansion of gray stone and ostensibly owned by a British banker who lived alone and was reputed to be a bachelor by his neighbors. None of these men sought publicity, and lived private lives which were known for philanthropy and quiet reserved living with their families. All had "private" fortunes, or let it be casually known that they were engaged in the professions, dabbled occasionally and mildly in politics, and art, or did "a little banking the family name, you know." Many of them had sons in government, in'dustry, the Navy or the Army ,or in the professions. Some of them were openly known as impressive financiers, especially in America where the possession of wealth was regarded as akin to holiness, and in Zurich, where the same opinion prevailed. But none really knew what they were, except themselves. They controlled interests in almost all the important newspapers in the world, appointed writers for those newspapers, and editors, directed editorial policy. They were the real owners of publishing houses, of magazines, of all the media that guided public information. They were the ones who really appointed the Cabinets of Presidents, and the Ministers to government in nearly all other countries. They controlled elections, built up thcir candidates, financed them, everywhere in the world. Any presumptuous or intrepid man who did not meet with their approval was lampooned in the press, discreetly libeled, or "exposed." The politicians, themselves, were often quite unaware of who had advanced or destroyed them. Even Presidents did not always know. Kings and emperors sometimes were vaguely aware of the momentous shadow that hung over their thrones and decided the destinies of their nations, and many were quite convinced that should they denounce that shadow they would be exiled, or perhaps even assassinated. The grip on events wasnot iron, but it was equally pervasive and persuasive, as soft and silent as mist which concealed invincible armies. They were never quoted in the press concerning politics or wars or other policies. There was never any public opinion except through their mannikins, who were excellently chosen for their popularity with the people.


  • wordfamine.com
    There seem to be quite a lot of people on the internet who zealously believe that the world is covertly ruled by some conspiracy.

    Isn't this what we all used to believe as Witnesses? This is what mainstream Christians believe. I think many Muslims think that the Jews are somehow behind a global scheme. It's a common view for lots of folks, although the culprits differ..

  • Snoozy

    There ya go LRG..

    I really really believe it!..When you been around as long as me you see and hear and read a lot..then you put two and two together..

    Youngsters call you cynical..I call it observant.

    Works for me..


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was exposed to the federal government at a fairly high level. It was so chaotic compared to corporate functions. If anything it reminded me of the Keystone cops (can't recall if that is the correct term). If there are Illuminati, much good money is wasted on tight political campaigns. I do believe there is an Eastern elite. I joined clubs that catered to the establishment, though, and never saw concerted effort. Some people have far more weight than others. There is a certain culture b/c of the birds of a feather principle. I believe that if the middle class ever decided to act in its economic interests, change would occur. No one seems to challenge the elite.IMO.

  • talesin

    Having known a few powerful, rich men

    Yes, I've known a few as well, mostly ones that wanted to sleep with me,,, or that I worked with.

    But our concept of rich and powerful is laughable when you are talking about the .01%,, those people are UNTOUCHABLE.

    Let's get a grip about the reality of the world we live in ... do you really wish to deny that there is a class of rich-ness that has ultimate power? Then I think you, though I do respect your opinion generally,,,, are living in a dream world as far as this issue is concerned.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    If I were a member of the Illuminati, one of my first acts would be to convince the masses that it was hopeless to challenge me. Why develop armies and other security systems to be safe from the rabble, when the rabble are so deferential. The mere belief that all is hopeless becomes a self-fulfilling principle. Many CEOS come from humble backgrounds. Influential elites -- yes. Illuminati - no.

  • Snoozy

    Puppet masters..


  • talesin

    The mere belief that all is hopeless becomes a self-fulfilling principle.


    And keep the poor arguing amongst themselves ... divide and conquer, it's the oldest trick in the book ... as long as we are at odds (left-right, etc.),,, we are just rats on the capitalistic wheel ... feeding the machine, and giving the ultra-rich even more dollars ...


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